Endless Waltz

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"You're awfully quiet."

"I'm alright," Yejin smiled, adding when she realized she was fooling no one. "Just slightly nervous."

The car pulled to a gradual halt at the traffic junction, and Hyun Bin wordlessly reached over to take her hand in his.

She wasn't just nervous, the postgraduate student inwardly thought.

With every passing second, they were driving closer and closer to the venue for the awards ceremony. In fact, they were less than five minutes away and Yejin was increasingly unsure over what to feel.

Her anxiety was almost going through the roof, her stomach flip flopping in all directions.

It was scary enough being in the same venue with all the big names in their field of study, not to mention being there as Hyun Bin's partner.

No one in class knew about them, and here she was, making a rather public appearance with him as his partner.

Of course, they weren't celebrities so it wouldn't be as bad.

Her classmates wouldn't be present as well, so there wasn't anyone to answer to at the ceremony.

But still, Yejin couldn't help the barrage of questions racing through her mind, each one layering onto her growing worries.

Who exactly should she introduce herself as, if questioned?

How should she even carry herself?

Hyun Bin was not only receiving an award for his widely-acclaimed journal publication; he was also receiving an award for Excellence in Academic Integration, which is an award given to a full-time member of the faculty who has exhibited extraordinary achievement in the integration of teaching, research or creative accomplishment, and service.

To put it simply, the Professor is at the top of his game.

She had always thought herself to be an equal to him in many ways, but now, with the impending situation, Yejin wasn't quite sure if she was a good enough partner for this seemingly flawless man.

How would others react upon realizing that this teacher and student were in love?

She didn't hold an answer, but Yejin also knew she shouldn't be placing too much focus on others' opinions of a love they didn't know about.

Exhaling slowly, mindful to keep her sigh inaudible, she willed herself to calm down when the familiar structures and outlines of the campus appeared  ahead.

Like it or not, escape was no longer an available option.

Another two minutes went by with the couple quietly listening— or not listening— to the advertisements running on the radio. Then, there they were, nearing the University Auditorium exclusively used for major events in the school.

From afar, Yejin could already make out a flurry of activity near the auditorium entrance— people were shaking hands, posing for pictures and having drinks as they stood around chatting.

Clutching her bag a little tighter, she exclaimed in an awed whisper, "I didn't know there will be so many people present..."

Hyun Bin slowed the car to a full stop in front of the red carpet, joining a growing row of cars as guests steadily streamed into the auditorium for the awards ceremony.

"It is supposed to be a major event for the school after all. I'm just grateful we do not have to participate in a staff procession like we do for graduation ceremonies. I don't too good in the full academic dress," He replied in jest, eliciting a small chuckle from Yejin.

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