Stan x Reader - You're Perfect to Me

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Sorry for inactivity. I've been on the lazy side and I don't have inspiration. (NOTE - PLEASE READ AT THE LAST ADMIN NOTE AT THE END OF THE STORY)
(First Name)'s Pov

I sat in this dratted classroom. My eyes were lazily fixated onto our teacher Mr. Garrison. This is what I hear from him: "Blah blah exponent blah blah blah." Just as he was about to call on someone to answer the problem, the bell rang signaling for lunch time. "Alright you fags, get out!" We did as we were told and scrambled out. I jogged to my locker, placed my books up, grabbed my lunch box, closed the locker, and proceeded to the cafeteria. Once I got there, I saw the guys (also known as Stan's gang) and trotted to their table. "Hey Kyle, Stan, and fat- ahem, I mean Cartman." I sat down with Cartman giving me a dirty look while Kyle greeted me back. Stan didn't utter a word and I knew something was up once a again. Sighing, I asked Kyle, "Did Wendy break up with him again?" Kyle nodded in return. I opened up me (Favorite Color) lunch box and took out a chocolate fudge brownie. Taking a bite out of it, I proceeded to talk. "Stan my brochacho, you need to learn that Wendy isn't the right girl for you. You guys have broken up too many times to even count and every time she breaks up with you, you end up depressed." Swallowing I looked at the raven waiting for a response. "Well at least I actually dated someone unlike you! No one would want to date you or even hang out with you. You're so distasteful, no one would want to be near you." 'Ouch. I didn't mean to actually break him.' Raking a hand through my (Hair Color) locks with a shaky breath, I stood up. "Sorry for not being 'Miss Perfect' then. I'm sorry for not standing out like other girls. I'm sorry for being a pain in the ass, and I'm sorry for even talking to you and hanging out with you." Grabbing my lunch box, I exited the cafeteria.

Stan's Pov
'Shit. I messed up and broke.' "Stan you got to go after her!" Kyle's voice rang as I stood up. I nodded my head in response and began to go chase after her. 'Man I'm such an idiot.'

(First Name)'s Pov
Well then, this escalated quickly. I sat in the classroom looking out the window. In a daze, I was snapped out of the trance by the sound of the door opening. There stood Stan panting slightly. "... Hi," was my response. "(First Name), I'm so sorry for saying all those words." Standing up from my seat, I walked up to him. "It's alright, I know you didn't mean it at all. It's my fault for breaking you." He sighed and wrapped his arms around me. My cheeks were set ablaze by the sudden action. "Wha-" "I'm sorry. What I meant to say was that you're perfect in my eyes because I love you." I returned the hug and sighed happily. "I love you too."
Whelp that's all I could think of. Again, I'm sorry for inactivity.


《 Up Next: Kyle x Bullied!Suicidal!One-Sided!Reader - Part Two 》

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