Hello, It's Been Awhile...

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Well, I have risen from the dead... Though I'm contemplating on whether to continue this book or not. This book had been here for nearly two years (this summer being it's third) and I have grown, but what really brings me back here to this book is how my readers interact and comment.

It makes my day a little less crappy knowing someone out there likes my disgusting writing I started out in my sixth grade year. Now that I'll bring turning fourteen in the fall, I've been thinking a lot of about my books. Should I continue? Should I delete this book? Should I just push this to the side like I've been doing for so long?

I'm not sure on what to do, but until then, I just want to say I have returned (which is bad because my state testings have started up). Though I may not be around too much, I'll try for you guys. Yes, I'm writing it for you guys. Though it's not an obligation to do I try my best. For sure the next chapter will be a one-shot.

Until then, loves. c:
—Rayne (yes I decided to use my name for now on.)

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