I feel like the Queen Bee! (Max x Bea)

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~This will be told from Bea's POV

"You can do it Max!" I shout, as my girlfriend runs around the track. She doesn't even break a sweat and she races again for the 10th time in a row. Wow. She is the fastest person I have ever seen.

"You got it! It's only you and Bibi now!" I yell out words of encouragement.

She briefly looks up from her mad sprint and gives me a huge grin before flashing a thumbs up. I smile back, my cheeks red. Then she turns back on the track and continues dashing.

"She's gonna win!" I whisper to the person next to me, which happens to be our friend Nani. Her light greyish hair framing her face, plus the intensity at which she is watching the running match makes my friend look more determined then I have ever seen her.

"No, she's not." Nani says.

"Hey, how could you say something like that?" I ask.

"The way at which she is running, the speed is unnatural. She will start to tire shortly. Mixed with the fact that she drank like, 7 energy drinks before hand proves my case." She replies, smugly.

"You don't need to be a know-it-all." I retort, sighing.

"I'm just stating the facts."

"But what if she does win?" I question.

"Then she would defy the laws of science, and nature. It's not humanly possib.." Her voice trails off as she see's Max cross the finish line, arms in the air, smiling wide.

"And Max Lighting wins!" The announcer shouts. The whole crowd stands up and cheers. Bibi comes through a second later, huffing and puffing with a sour expression on her face.

"And second place, Bibi Blanco!" Again, the crowd cheers but it doesn't seem to satisfy Bibi. She sighs, flips off the crowd and sulks back to her seat.

"So Max, how do you feel?" The announcer asks.

"Great! I'm super pumped! But.. that was just a warm up, right?" She jokes, cocky grin on her face.

"Ha! Not a warm up! But dang you are fast!" The announcer says.

"I'm faster then lightning!" She says.

"You are funny! Anyway, let's all give a hand to Max!"


"I can't believe I wasn't right! The science added up.." Nani tells me as we walk down the hall that Monday morning.

"With Max, you never know." I reply.

"You make a good point, Bea. She defies the laws of nature with her speed." Nani agrees.

"Yeah, it's pretty funny. Hey, Nani look! it's 8-Bit!" I point out. Nani has a HUGE crush on him.

She blushes.

"Um.. yes. Should I say hi?" She questions.

"Go for it!"

8-Bit walks near where we are standing. Nani blushes.

"He-hey 8-Bit!" She says.

"Omae Wa Mou Shindeiru." He replies.

"NONI!" Nani says.

"Hehe, it's a shocker you know that one, Nani. You're cooler then I thought. Anyway, class starts soon. Catch you on the flip side." He says, turning around and bolting towards his classroom.

"Did you hear that? He called me cool. EEE I hope he likes me! Anyway, I gotta go to computer lab. See you!" Nani exclaims, smiling.



I see Max running around the corner. Man, she is looking gorgeous today. She sees me, smiles and runs over.

"Hey Bea!"

"What's up, honey?" I ask.

"Nada. Except I WON THE RACE!" She exclaims.

"I know! I'm so proud of you. You looked so cute out there."

"Aww, thanks girlie! The only reason I won was because of your positive reinforcements. The cheering on the sides kept me going."

"Awww... you are the best." I reply, flirtingly.

"Love you Bea! Gotta get to class. See ya!"

"You.. love me?"

"Yea! You are the best girlfriend EVER and you make me happy every day. I love you, and spending as much time as I can hanging out with you. I.. hope that's okay with you?" She asks.

"Of course Max! I'm just shocked."

"About what?"

"Just that you love me. I.. I never thought anyone could love me in that way before."

"Bea! How could you say that? You are the most wonderful person I have ever met."

"Aww thanks! Max.. I hardly say this to people but I love you to."

"EEE you're so cute I could just squeeze you!" She says, reaching down and poking at my cheeks. I blush.

"So... um... what about that umm... first kiss?" I ask.


She leans into me, and her lips briefly brush against mine. My cheeks get hot as she pulls away.

"That was.. wow."

"I know!"

The final bell rings overhead, signaling that we need to be in class.

"See you!" She leans in a gives my cheek one last kiss goodbye before sprinting to her class.

"Bye!" I reply.

Wow. That was so wonderful. I feel like the Queen Bee!

The End.

This was bad. But whatever. I tried. Hope this was enjoyable to you all. ()


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