That's how I roll! (Darryl x Carl, part 2)

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I hardly made it. 

Yet I did. 

Nobody noticed me at first until I screamed.

"AHHHH!" I bellowed, my explosive rage h̶a̶r̶d̶l̶y̶ not controlled. 

"What the heck?" Someone yelled. That someone was wearing a mariachi mask.  

"Poco?" I asked.

"Darryl? What are you doing?" He asked. 

"I could ask you the same thing! Aren't you are musician?" 

"Uh.. well..." 

"And Colt! He was on my boat earlier. He's a sheriff! What is going on?" I questioned. 

"Well.. this wasn't our idea." Poco responds. 

"Then who's was it?" 

"Mine." Someone walks out from behind. A person with blondish hair with blue highlights. An eyepatch covers his left eye. He, like the others is in pirate attire. 

I recognize him. 

"Carl? Since when are you a pirate?" I ask.

"Since... hmm. Why should I tell you?" 


"Well.. you weren't looking. An easy target, if I do say so myself." He smirked.

"YOU... Well... if that's the case.. then I guess..." I launch myself forward towards my treasure.

Carl blocks my path. I ram into him. 

And I fall on top of him.

Our eyes lock.

My heart skips a beat. 

I'm not sure why. 

I get up. Or at least try to. 

Carl doesn't let me and punches me in the stomach. 

I lean over as he kicks me in the back. 


Carl stops. 

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you."

I take that opportunity to grab him by his shirt and shove him over the side of the ship. The only thing between him and the sea is me holding onto his shirt.


He gulps.

"I.. I like you." He says.

"Huh?" I ask.

"I SAID I LIKE YOU!" He is blushing now. 

I pull him back onto the boat.

Our eyes lock again.

"You.. like me?" I ask. 


"But.. why?" 

"Darryl, I've admired you for so long. That's why I decided to become a pirate. To be closer to you. I never meant to steal from you, but I wanted to impress you. I wanted you to think I was cool. Because you are." 

As cringy as that was, it was sweet. 

I've never had someone admire me like that.

Well, no one has ever crushed on me so much so that they stole from me. That's a first. 

"Uh.. keep the treasure. You earned it." I said.

"But why?"

"Because that's how I roll. You earned it." 

"But I don't want it." 

"Okay then... I might know something you do want." I said.


I leaned in and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"That." I responded. 

He blushed. 

"Darryl? Do you think maybe we could give this a shot?" Carl motioned between the two of us.

"Well.. you have to promise not to steal from me." I responded.

"Okay.. anything else?" 

"Kiss me. And we will be on good terms." I smirked.

"Your wish is my command." 

And he leaned into me. Our lips locked. 

After the heartwarming moment, I broke away.

"I'll be taking this.." I said, grabbing my treasure.

I hoped overboard but not before winking and blowing a kiss to Carl.

He smiled. 

The end!

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