Too pretty for pain (Shelly x Colt, part 2)

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"Shelly! Wait" I hear Colt desperately trying to call out to me. I ignore him.

I know I'm being petty. I shouldn't be mad at Colt. I didn't tell him my feelings, he doesn't know. I should be mad at Piper, since she is my best friend and knew my feelings towards him. Yet I'm more angry at Colt.

"Shelly, please! It's not what you think it is, I promise. Just let me explain. Please." I hear the desperateness in his voice. A pang of guilt passes through me and I feel terrible.

Yet I haven't done anything.

Nor has he. If he likes Piper, so be it. I can't get mad over the fact that he likes someone other than me, even if it does hurt.

So I put aside my feelings.

And I stop walking and turn around to face him, hoping he can't see the tears.

"Colt, explain what? You were kissing Piper. Obviously you like her. You don't need to explain. I get it." I say, trying to tell myself that. But I'm still not convinced.

"Shelly... no. I promise you it's not that." He pleads.

"Okay, Colt than what is it."

"She kissed me. We were walking outside, enjoying nature. She tripped and fell, hitting the tree in front of her. I leaned in to try and help her, ask if she was okay. Than she grabbed me and pushed me on top of her and started kissing me. I couldn't get out, she was literally death gripping me." He explains.

"But why would Piper do that?" I comment, annoyed where this is going.

"I.. I don't know!" He stutters.

And right at that moment, Piper walks up.

"Hey!" She chirps. I give her a death glare.

"Is. It. True?" I growl.

"What, sugar?" She asks, all innocently.

"You. Kissed. Colt. And. Forced. Him. On. Top. Of. You?" I ask, not even hiding the venomous tone.

"I, well.. you were taking too long! Rico was too, he wouldn't ask me out! So I figured, go for Colt! He'll like me. After all, everyone does." She says winking.

"ARGHHHHH! I HATE YOU PIPER! YOU KNEW! YOU KNEW AND YOU STILL DID IT ANYWAY!" I scream. I attempt to run at her, hit her before Colt wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me back.

"Piper, leave now. I don't feel the same way about you, so go. Please." Colt asks.

"Fine, your loss." She says, walking away.


"Colt, don't. You know now. I like you. And, quite honestly after my reaction I'm sure you assumed so."

"Shelly. It's okay. Piper was in the wrong. And I'm sorry I didn't try and stop it was just so sudden..."

"Colt, it's okay."

"No Shelly, it's not. Because... I like you too. And I feel terrible."


"Yeah. I was going to ask you out today, but than that happened." He says, motioning towards Piper.

"Oh.. well I guess... what do we do now?"

"Um... wanna go on a date with me tonight, 7:30 at Bull's Diner?" He asks.

"I'd love that."

He smiles.

"Ya know Shelly, you try really hard to be tough. Like you are too pretty, too tough for pain. But I saw you today. You do care. And I care about you."

"Ha! I knew it. You aren't a tough boy you have emotions."

"Ayy, come off it." He says.

"I'm messing with you."

"I know." He says wrapping his arm around me. I lean into him, and we both walk away, into the sunset.

The end.

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