Chapter 3

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Everyone at the cave just woke up.
But zatanna and dick were sleeping together.
John was the first in the kitchen and he was making breakfast. Then zatanna and dick walked in.
John: hi guys
Dick: hi. Are you making breakfast?
John: yes I am. I like to cook and I am very good at it. I am making bacon,eggs,and pancakes.
Zatanna: thanks.
John passed the breakfast to his mom and dad.
Dick: wow. That good.
John: thanks.
Everyone else came to the kitchen and got breakfast.
John: can I ask you something dick.
Dick: what?
John: Since we are here until my sister gets a way back for us can I hang out with you? In the future we don't hang out that much but you still show me that you love me and talk to me sometimes.
Dick: sure.
Later dick and john went out of the cave and hang out.
John: so why did you become robin?
Dick: after my parents died batman.
John: you mean grandpa.
Dick: ya I guess. Anyway as I were saving he took me in and when I found out who he was he helped me get the men who killed my family and put them behind bars.
John: wow. Cool story. So what's there to do for fun.
Dick: ever rode a roller coaster?
John: no. But I want to.
Then they both went on a roller coaster and had a awesome time.
More chapters later peace.

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