Chapter 4

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Every one else was at the cave waiting for ten to come back but before they did they talked for a while.
Maria: so mom I mean zatanna what is there to do for fun.
Zee: I know something we can do.
Maria: what?
Zee: shopping.
Maria: yes.
Maria and zee went to the mail and went shopping using robins back card. He didn't mind but had a way to repay him.
Maria: that black dress will look good on you.
Zee: I think that will look good on you. Let's try it.
Maria but it in and she looked beautiful.
Zee: you know since you are going back to the future I can get you this for a souvenir.
Maria: thanks mo...I mean zatanna.
Zee: it's ok and just call me mom I guess.
Later aqulad and James and wally decide to have a race of you can swim faster. Everyone else was outside at the beach while they were getting later for the race.
Wally: if you guys quiet I will let you off easy.
James: sure and one day pigs will fly.
Tim: you guys ready or what?
Aqulad: I am ready just not sure about these two.
They both looked at him with a evil smily.
They are got ready.
Tim: ok so here are the rules.
1) you have to swim to the rock pointing out of the water( it was about 36 feet away).
2) since aqulad and James can both swim under water Wally can use some of his super speed but not much.
Tim: ready.....set....GO!
Then aqulad and James were ahead of Wally then he used some of his speed and was right beside him. Then they all got to the rock and were swimming back. They were so close to the beach but then James swam under the water and got in the beach first.
Tim: JAMES WINS!!!!!
Jack: ha Wally you need to give me $10 bucks pay up.
Wally: ok ok.
Jack: sucker.
James was on the beach then aqulad came up to him.
Aqulad: you were good at swimming James.
Jam: thanks.
Aqulad: if you don't mind me asking who is your mom?
James: you will find out soon in about a month.
He said with a smile.
More later peace

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