Chapter 7

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Everyone at the cave was going to go camp since it was the kids last day there. Megan was getting food everyone else was getting tents.
Zee: I can't believe they are going to go back.
Dick: I know. Me too.
Zee: I still can't believe you and I get married.
Dick: I can't wait for that.
Zee: me too.
Later everyone was on the bio ship going to find a place to camp.
Megan: how about there?
Aqulad: that can work.
Everyone was setting up a tent and getting a fire started.
Then everyone was siting around the fire.
Zee: you guys know any good stories?
John: I do nightwing told me one.
Dick: who's nightwing?
John: you. After when you not robin anymore you become nightwing.
Zee: nightwing. I like the sound of that. Zee said with a smile on her face looking at dick and his checks turned red.
Zee: so what's the story?
John: well it's about when how robin became nightwing well what my dad told me. It was a dark knight and robin was getting to old to be robin. He had to become something more than robin so he became nightwing. He even took two face down. He is locked up and after that he stayed there. After you left to be nightwing batman found a new robin. His name is Jason. He found him steeling the batmoible tires.
Everyone was laughing.
Dick: so let me get this right. This kid took his tires but was caught?
John: yes. But something very bad happened to him.
Aqulad: what?
John: joker. He kept him in a abounded warehouse and it went up.
Everyone that didn't know the story had they mouths open.
John: he found him on the flour.
Later when he was about to be buried ra's al ghul switched the bodies and took his and put him in the lazareth pit and he came back but as red hood. He was taking all the villains out. But when he was going to take out the joker batman stopped him. But he put booms in the house where Jason,joker,and batman where. The place went up cause Jason but booms in cause he was stopped. But batman didn't tell if Jason was dead or alive. But the joker was.
Dick: wow. I told you this?
John: when I was 13 you told me.
Aqulad: well supper is ready.
John made supper like he did with breakfast. He made chicken and corn.
Megan: this is good. Where did you learned how to make this?
John: you did Aunt Megan.
Connor: told you you were a good cook. Megan kissed Connor and their son jack looked away.
Connor: so in the future you got a girlfriend jack.
Jack: I do. So do the rest of us.
Connor: who?
Jack: Maria. They checks were red.
Dick: you nice to my daughter from the future.
Jack: of course dick.
John: I got a girl in the future too.
Zee: who?
John: A girl in my class.
Dick: nice dude.
John: how did you guys meet?
Zee: me and dick.
John: yes I had always wanted to know.
Zee: well we first meat when my dad took me to the cave to met the team and when I got there Dick jumped out and said who everyone was. Then later we went to find red who had bing missing. And we talked a lot to each other.
Dick: than on New Years zee pulled me and kissed me.
Dick put his hand to zee.
John: cool. That would be a good story to write.
Aqulad: well we should hit the bed cause Tomorrow is your last day and we should spend it wise.
Everyone went to there tents but zee and Dick where sleeping together, so was Wally and Artemis, and Connor and Megan.
One more or two till this is done till then peace

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