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I peaked through the heavy curtain into the manege. It was still a little while until I would perform again, but it was just lovely to watch my father.

Right now he stood on two galloping horses waving into the crowd. He had been a stuntman before joining the circus with my mother. They fell in love performing a classic magician show, where she would saw him in half.

Now a big applause erupted in the tent, my father Michael had just jumped over a flaming barricade and was headed for the exit in full speed. As he rode by the place where I was waiting, a big smile formed on his face. „Did you like it Romy?“ he called out to me, as he passed by.

It still made me proud to watch my gifted parents perform, even after all those years. I myself had been part of the ensemble since I could remember. As soon as my little feet allowed it, I became a clowns assistant to Uncle Max, who taught me to juggle before I could even read. At 6 I already had my own little show as a lion tamer, though the lions were of course only my dogs in wigs. But for the last few years, my body strength allowed me to perform as an aerial gymnast, showing off some daring jumps, high above everyone’s heads.

My mother Charlene walked up behind me, dressed in a figure hugging robe, completely covered in red sequins. With her long dark locks and the fiery red lips, the men in the audience loved her shows.

Suddenly Charlene appeared with a loud lightning thunder in the middle of the manege. “One day she just has to explain this trick to me“ I thought following her into the spotlight.

„At first I need a volunteer, to prove that these swords are real!“, Charlene exclaimed. Quite a few guys with lustful eyes raised their hands, most of them under the angry watch of their wives. I walked towards one of them and gave him my prettiest innocent smile.

The man smiled back at me, not expecting what would happen next. As soon as they had stood up and taken a few steps towards me, the magicians assistant, I placed a hand on his back ducked down slightly and scooped him up like a blushing bride.

The crowd cheered and laughed at the man who was so uncomfortable with being carried around by a teenager. I always had great fun embarrassing men twice my age, but dad didn’t really approve. He was afraid I could hurt myself.

As the show ended for tonight, I sat down in front of my mirror, looking at myself. I was quite statisfied with what I saw, though as a teen I always wanted to look more like my mom. I had a very fair complexion, ash blonde hair, and green eyes something that clearly came from my dads German side of the family.

I looked around my messy caravan, searching for something to change into. It was a present to me on my 16th birthday, though my mother joked that he was happier about it than me. She just couldn't stand all the equipment and make up I had amassed in the last years, cluttering the small space we shared.

In reality I knew quite well that they were both a little sentimental about me moving out. I would turn 18 in a few weeks and had announced that it would be my last full season at the circus. Don't get me wrong, I loved everyone here as they were my extended family. The sense of togetherness was extremely strong and comforting.

But something in me was never at ease, the travelling often saddened me. I had seen quite a lot of Europe already, we mainly toured through France and England in the summer months, while the winters were spent in southern Spain. But I really longed for some more stability.

I quickly removed some of my flashy stage make up, before I grabbed the bottle of champagne. It was my parents twentieth wedding anniversary and we wanted to celebrate a little tonight. As I was headed to their caravan I could hear a heated argument between them.

My hearing had become freakishly good in the last few months, to the point where I had to wear ear plugs while performing.

„Michael, mon chérie, we can't keep this from her forever, at some point we need to tell her!", my mother exclaimes.

„And what will happen then? We promised him to keep her safe! We will loose her to some pac...", Dad rebukes.

„Oh Honey, you are here already!" Mum called out in surprise, „we were just discussing your...uh... motorcycle licence!"

I just nodded, my 18th birthday was coming up and my father was still overbearing. He was always afraid something might happen to me. If he could lock me in an eggshell and sit on me like a hen until I turned 40, he would totally do that.

„Thank you dad, for saying yes!", I beamed at him, a little manipulation couldn't hurt.

„I never said ‚yes' Romy and I never will" he said disgruntled.

„Dad, may I remind you of all those dirt bike trophies you won when you were my age?" I grinned at him, making my mom giggle.

„You don't have to remind me! I still have all the scars from the crashes I had. No means no young lady and as long as you are living under my roof, you do as..."

„But Papi, I have my own roof now", I interrupted him, looking as innocent as I possibly could.

„Oui mon chérie, she is right!" my mother came to my aid, laughing.

„Oh you two are always teaming up against me! You ungrateful wenches better have the dinner ready for the man of the house before I am coming back!", he exclaimed in a theatrical voice, slamming the caravan door behind him.

Mom and me looked at each other and burst out laughing. She had always given me more liberties, heck she didn't even get angry when I turned up with a tattoo last year!

I loved the bickering and teasing between me and my parents. Hopefully if I settled down one day, my future relationship would be just like theirs.

My mother and me finished the cooking and just had set the table, when the caravan door opened again and my dad walked in, holding a bouquet of red Roses.

„20 roses for the 20 beautiful years we shared, mein Liebling" he said, handing them over to his smiling wife.

Dad was quite big on romantic gestures, which I found equally cute and embarrassing, so I visibly frowned at this parental declaration of love. It simply wasn't my cup of tea.

„Your poor future husband", my dad laughed, „he will have to woo you with a Kebab one day, not some flowers."

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