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(Unknown POV)
I yawned as I lazily trotted down the dreary hallway, carrying a steaming hot coffee. It had it´s perks to be in charge of the packs security, I could delegate a lot of things while sleeping in. My father had tasked me with keeping up the dungeons, which gave me the opportunity to build up my own business ventures.

Around 20 cells were in the long hallway, each of them soundproofed and dark, sensory deprivation and isolation did wonders when you needed some information from your captives. Corporal punishment had been outlawed for a while now, but of course, things were only illegal when someone caught you. A few weeks or months in these lonely cells made everyone turn into mush, without leaving any visible traces as conventional torture did.

I entered the security room, filled with small monitors. Most of them were turned off, but they allowed us to watch and listen to everything our prisoners did and said. Right now we only accommodated one “guest” as I liked to call them. I watched the young shewolf we had captured two weeks ago. We fed her twice a day, but other than that we kept her isolated. We needed to figure out who she was first.

She had put up quite the fight when we first encountered her, but she was clearly inexperienced and stood no chance against us. We most likely found her during her first shift, which she was utterly unprepared for.

I played some of the surveillance footage from the last few hours, but there was no difference in her behaviour. The first few days had been slightly concerning. She would wake up from her unconscious state and quickly slip into a violent panic attack. She then began to cry or scream, until she was unable to breath and then pass out again. It was quite annoying to watch her weakness. But that was just how all these females were, overly emotional with a week body and mind.

After half a week the panic attacks began to dwindle and she spent more time awake then asleep. In order to change her soiled bandages and to clear her wounds we had already drugged her twice. If we were to ransom her, it was for the best if she didn´t know who we were.

It was quite unnerving and eerie to watch and listen through the surveillance cameras, when she talked to herself. She obviously did not know that she was a shifter, she was probably some lowly werewolves bastard daughter. It sometimes happened that they had a fling with some human, just to ditch them when they discovered the pregnancy. Though werewolves were quite sexual beings, having a child with someone other then your mate was clearly frowned upon. I almost pitied her.

The poor bastards from those mateless relationships were seen as inferior individuals that could not be trusted. It was said that they were weaker and had to make up for that by being cunning and unreliable. Everyone knew this was only a superstition, but that didn´t keep most people from treating them with distain and suspicion.

Whoever her parents were, the company we had found her with was interesting to say the least.

I looked at the small file we had compiled about her. “Romy Duval; Parents: unknown; Pack affiliations: unknown; Mate: unknown”. It was a shame, she was probably just some nobody, caught up in the wrong company. Maybe her test results would link her to some living family members, but even if so, they might not be interested. The parents to most of the bastard children had long moved on, most of them were now mated with a new family. That usually meant there was some room for blackmailing them, for the right sum I would keep my mouth shut about someone else's dirty little secret.

And if we couldn't get something on her family, there were other ways. She wasn´t too bad looking, a little meek maybe and the scars she would keep didn´t help. Nonetheless, there was always a certain market for unmated shewolves.

I perked my ears as she began to speak to herself, again. It was the same old conversation I had heard for the last few days. She was talking to her inner wolf, obviously named Bellana. But other then that she had no clue what she was.

The way she talked to her wolf had become increasingly aggressive the more she healed. Even though I could only hear what Romy said, it was quite clear what they were fighting about.

The human side seemed convinced that Bellana was a monster, who had killed everyone in this gypsy pack of a circus.

I snorted in amusement, as if a newly shifted wolf would have been able to put up a fight against those stinky fuckers.

I was just thinking about a good price for her, when somenone knocked twice on the door.
“Hey Bro”, the young pack doctor Elias greeted me. He knew to only speak to me with this little respect when we were alone.
“Hey, anything new on the bitch?”, I crudely asked him.

He smiled and nodded. “Oh you will never guess what we trapped.” Elias was now grinning like a Cheshire cat, handing me the document. “She will fetch us a pretty penny. Should I make some calls?”

I could not believe my eyes, looking at the DNA results he had just given me. “No, I have a better idea.”

I smiled, this girl had changed everything. If I played my cards right, I would get more then I ever bargained for.

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