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In an instant he was in front of me, pinning me against the rooms hard cold wall. I inhaled his deep musky smell, combined  with an enticing after shave. His deep blue eyes reminded me of a stormy ocean, but I only had more seconds until his lips crashed into mine.

His skin felt soft and warm against mine and I reveled in the touch and sight of another human, something I was deprived of for a long time. His kiss tasted oh so sweet and he quickly forced his tongue into my mouth. It felt like he was ravishing my mouth for minutes, until he slowly backed away from me, his lips glistening in the bright artificial lights surrounding us.

I began to slowly check him out, when I realized how breathless I was. He was quite tall and bulky, wearing a simple black shirt and blue Jeans. His arms were muscled and toned, the heat radiating of him made me nauseous. I felt quite overwhelmed by everything, even forgetting my impending death for a short while.

He gave me a comfortin smile, showing of his dimples, his beautiful face was framed by blonde locks which were trimmed short at the sides.

„Don’t worry my little darling, you are safe with me, if only I had known sooner…“ he said, „Dima, please leave us, I can handle that.“

„But Daniel, she is a danger to us", the guard clenched his jaws, but finally nodded and quickly left us alone.

„Romy, right? Are you going to attack me“ Daniel asked quietly, while leading us back to the table.

„No.“ Was all I could stutter.

„You are not what I excepted my mate to be“, he said staring at me with his intense blue eyes. Was he disappointed?

„We found you in the burning camp, not far from our pack territory. We came too late to save anyone else, but we captured you aalive. Someone from your camp had already shot you twice. What happened?“

„I… I don’t remember… I  was angry at my family and left for the woods. Suddenly pain came over me and … oh I don’t know it was so surreal…“ I stammered, tears filling my eyes, while I subconsciously scratched my scarred painful leg. „Will you kill me?“ I finally found the courage to ask him.
He took my hand, squeezing it to calm me.

„You don’t know anything about our world, don’t you? We are werewolves, dangerous monsters if we lack the self control and strength like you did that night.“ Daniel kept staring at me, while tears flowed down my cheeks. „You are my mate, the moon goddess decided to match us as soul mates. We are meant for each other, I would never kill you.“

„No, that’s not possible. These things don’t exist and even if, I wasn’t bitten or anything.“ My mind was racing, how was anything of that possible? Was I hallucinating? And what was that thing about mates, hadn’t I heard that word before?

Daniel chuckled and slowly got up. He began to quickly undress himself. I gulped nervously, was he going to assault me?„Werewolves aren’t bitten, we are born that way. I mean we aren’t vampires or something like that.“

„Vampires are real too?“ I blurted out, staring at him in disbelief.

Daniel narrowed his eyebrows, as if he didn’t know what to make of my statement. „Yes, you didn’t know that either?“ I shook my head in confusion.

„I will show you what we are, don’t worry darling, I won’t have to force you into my bed.“ He smiled at me, as he took of his shirt. I couldn’t help but admire his impeccable abs. He tastefully turned around and I only got a short quick glance at his toned butt, before he crouched down. Fur was sprouting out of his body and I was suddenly faced by a big black and white wolf, staring at me with sky blue eyes.

The room began to feel smaller as I took in his presence , a powerful aura radiating off him. I whimpered and instinctively lowered my neck in obedience. A few seconds passed and when I looked up again, he was back to his human form, putting his boxers back on.

„At least one of your parents must have been a shifter. But we didn’t find any werewolves among the dead. Your mother might have had an affair with someone else.“, he boldly stated.

Anger was rising in me. How dared he to accuse my dead mother of infidelity? My parents had always been deeply in love. I had to set this straight!
„No my mother would never betray Dad! I  was a-"

„Romy promise me: Never tell anyone about the letter, don't trust anyone with this. Not your friends, not even your mate. No one must know of this letter, they will kill you if they hear of it.“

Suddenly Uncle Max’s last words came back to memory.

„Yes?“ Daniel inquired carefully.

„I was always loved by my father“ I murmered, the horrible pictures of his death coming back to me.

„Well he might have thought you were his, some people don’t want to see betrayal. Even if it’s paraded in front of them in form of someone else’s bastard. Haven’t you ever wondered why you were a single child?“, he asked rudely.

I gulped. I hated the way he disrespected my mother, but Max had been so adamant about me keeping my adoption a secret and I had always trusted him before that fatal night.
„What will happen to me now?“ I asked instead.

„You have broken our laws, we don’t want the humans to find out about us. This offence is punishable by death in our packs. But you should be thankful that you were mated to me. I can pull some strings to get you out of here and set up a new identity for you.“

I found the situation overwhelming, but I was nonetheless thankful for him helping me. He was my ticket out of this prison and maybe just maybe I could also leave some of my past behind.

"Romy, have you talked to you wolf lately?" He asked me out of the blue.

"My wolf... you mean I wasn't making up the voices in my head? No... she has been silent for a while", I answered truthfully.

"Good, block her out and don't listen to her, no matter what. She is vicious and you obviously can't control her." Daniel said, lifting my chin to give me another kiss.

"You won't have to stay here for much longer, I promise you I will take care of you. But for now you have to get back to the cells until everything is safe for you. I will destroy the traces of your actions and then we can start our new life together."

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