The promise

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Tears began to fill my eyes. I could not believe what I had just read. It could not be true. They were my parents, they loved me, took care of me. This must be a mistake, a horrible misunderstanding, a mix-up.

Yes that must be it. Michael was a common name, it had nothing to do with me. No, no, no, it wasn't true. It couldn't be.

I stumbled out of the caravan, feeling like a total mess. The tears blurred my sight and I almost fell over some cables, but was caught by Max.

„Oh, Romy, what happened?" He looked at me in shock, cradling me in his arms „tell me, has something happened to..."

He suddenly fell silent, looking at the old bloodsmeared booklet I was still holding in my hands. „We never wanted you to find out like this." He whispered in disbelief.

Suddenly a wave of rage hit me. „You knew? You knew all the time? Who else? Everyone but me? Oh how could you? I trusted you..." tears were now streaming down my face. And I began to half heartedly punch his hard chest.

Max suddenly grabbed me by the shoulders and shook me harshly.

„Listen, snap out of it! At once! Pout and cry as much as you want. But Charlene and Michael are your parents, even if they didn't give birth to you. They did everything to keep you safe."

I looked at him in shock, not once had I seen him so angry.

„Romy now listen. You three will talk this out, but promise me: Never tell anyone about the letter, don't trust anyone with this. Not your friends, not even your mate. No one must know of this letter, they will kill you if they hear of it."

„Who...who...wants to kill me? Why? Are you lying to me again?" I whispered in shock.

„Michael will tell you everything, but promise me now, no swear it, swear to me that you won't tell anyone about this letter. Not your friends, not even your future mate. Do. You. Understand." Max hissed at me.

I didn't fully understand but quickly nodded my head, still in shock. In the meantime Max had gotten out his phone, surely he was trying to call my parents.

He was distracted for just a second, so I wriggled myself out of his iron grip, taking off as fast as I could. The old man couldn't outrun me and I needed to be alone right now.

If only I had known of the horrors awaiting us, I would have never left.


I never once stopped running as I left the city behind me entering the forest again.
I felt lost and alone.

Anger and sadness where rattling through my mind. Was I really in danger? Even if so, there must have been another way instead of lying to me.

I slowed down realising that I have been running straight into the forest . The nights were beginning to get cold again, but I did not feel it, instead I was mesmerized by the full moon appearing behind the clouds.

The silver light was beautifully shining onto a clearing, covering the moss in a magical silvery shimmer. For a second there I forgot the heartache I just felt, and simply stared at the scenery before me, captivated by its beauty.

My senses sharpened again when I heard a twig breaking in the distance. I realised I was not alone. Someone, no something was watching me, again.

Suddenly a pain flashed through my body unlike anything I have ever felt before. I fell to the ground convulsing and screaming in pain.

What's happening to me? I thought to myself. A gruesome sound of breaking bones and joints began to fill my ears. It took me seconds to realise that they were my own.

In horror I looked down at my arms  elongating, while fur was growing out of them. I must have gone crazy from the pain, I thought. My heart began to race in fear as I watched my hands turning into paws, my fingernails forming into claws.

What is happening to me?

As abruptly as the pain had began it faded again. I tried to move, but I couldn’t command my feet. I tried to scream for help, but only an unfamiliar yipping sound left my mouth.

I tried to move my tongue, but was taken aback by the sharp teeth filling my mouth.

This can’t be real, I lost my mind. I have gone crazy. This is just a nightmare.
I tried to reason with myself, but I was still flooded with fear.

Get back to the camp!

An unfamiliar commanding voice was silencing my inner thoughts. Yes, yes, I needed to get back to the camp. Maybe I could be helped there.

My senses were heightened and the familiar smell of my parents patchouli scent was drifting through the air. The way back would be easy to find.

I began to slowly move into the direction the smell was coming from, still afraid that the horrible pain would resurface again. After a few steps I realized I was walking on four legs instead of two.

How is that possible? I am not crawling?

I carefully turned my head to look at myself. I was lower to the ground now then before. And where I expected to see my legs, I could only see two paws covered in greyish fur.

A sudden closer cracking sound made me jolt. I tried to locate the source moving my ears when a second wave of pain hit me.

It was different than the first it felt like a piece of ice had just slit open my flank. The cold was slowly spreading from my injured hind leg, creeping through my body.

Run. Now!

I darted. Something was out to get me, but the painful cold still moved through my body, slowing me down substantially. Blinded by the pain I ran as fast as I could through the forest, following the patchouli scent.

I could not have gotten far when the cold finally spread to my heart and the world around me turned black.

What do you think of my story so far? I would love to hear your opinion 😊

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