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Daniel kissed me goodbye as he called the guard which I now knew was named Dima back. I understood that I couldn’t simply walk out of a prison as if nothing ever happened but I feared to be locked in again.

My body began to shake, as I begged him not to lock me up again. But he just shook his head and told me that there was no other way.

Dima held me back by my shoulders in a careful but determined manner. „Please come with me, it’s for the best if you stay down here for now.“

Was it pity I heard in his voice? He lead me back to my cell, which looked even smaller now than it had before. He halted at the door and led my inside, but hesitated before locking me in.

„Please, don’t lock me up again“ I pleaded with him.

„I am sorry Romy, I have my orders" he unexpectedly said, lowering his head. Then he shut the door behind me and darkness engulfed me again.

„Happy Mothers Day Mom“, I said pulling her into a close hug. She smiled at me and the box of chocolates I got her.

„Thank you mon chérie, it has been a pleasure to be your maman for the last 15 years.“ She smiled at me with her dark brown eyes. „I know you are a teenager now, but if you ever … feel strange  please talk to us. I just want to see you safe and happy. You know that right?“ she said, caressing my cheek gently. „I also got you something“, she said pulling out a small box.

„CONDOMS? Oh my god mom!“ I said totally embarrassed, my cheeks flushing red.

„I know you are seeing that new boy Pablo, but I am too young to be a grandma! You were nagging us for a baby brother for years and I don’t want you to take any risks.“

„Yes, I wanted a BROTHER not a SON!“, I shrieked, I obviously knew how babies were made but I just wasn’t ready to have the talk with my own mother.

„I know I have never told you this, but I had a baby before you,“ mom took my hand into hers „he died during birth and I almost did too. Afterwards … well I was told I could no longer conceive. You were our little miracle, you came to us when we least expected it. Holding you for the first time was the happiest moment of my life. I just don’t want you to go through something similar.“ Tears were swelling up in her eyes and I quickly hugged her to comfort her.

„Mom, I am so sorry. I didn’t know…“ I gently stroked her back to console her. Suddenly a warm , sticky liquid covered my hands. I gasped in shock, looking at my hands which were suddenly covered in blood. I let go of my mother, who sank to the floor. Dead.


I woke up, crying and screaming for my mother. My body was covered in sweat and the now familiar pain shot through my leg. The small trap door opened and some food was reached through. I quickly removed the sweaty bedding and reached it through the gap, as I had done many times before.

I was just about to start eating, when I realized that the door to my cell was opened.

„Romy, did you have another nightmare?“  Dima asked „would you like me to stay with you while you eat?“

„Yes please, that would be nice. Can I ask you a few things?“

Dima hesitated „Your mate will answer most of them, but I am sure he won’t mind " he finally said, pulling a chair close to my cell door.

„Where am I?“

„You are on the territory of the Mirrorlake pack.“

„Do you werewolves live in the woods?“ I asked now courious and happy to take my mind of the nightmare I just woke up from.

The guard chuckled „Oh no, to outsiders we look like a fairly normal community. We have houses and normal jobs, but we are lead by an Alpha wolf, Alpha Horn.“

We continued to talk about the packs hierarchy, which included a Beta and a Gamma. The latter being Dimas father.
Suddenly one of the big iron doors opened revealing a staircase and a very angry Daniel.

He rushed to us, pinning a perplexed Dima against the wall.

„What the hell are you doing with my mate? She belongs to me, so stop flirting with her!“ his voice was low, almost growling and his eyes dark with fury.

„Get out!“ Daniel huffed at him. Dima looked at us in shock and quickly went to the staircase, while I didn’t dare to move.

„I am sorry darling. I didn‘t want to scare you, but you are mine. Wolves are very possessive of what’s theirs and there is nothing more precious to have than a mate.“

„Dima wasn’t flirting with me, he only consoled me after another nightmare.“ I tried to reason with him, not wanting to cause him anymore trouble than I already had.

„Consoling you is my job alone, not something a unmated male wolf should do with my mate.“ He pulled me into a tight embrace, kissing me. His hands began to roam my body and I could feel his warm breath on my neck as he gently left a trail with his hot tongue down my neck.

The sudden moodswing made me slightly weary, but I couldn’t help but enjoy this sudden attention. A warm and fuzzy feeling spread through my body and I could feel some wetness between my legs.

„Oh your little pussy seems to like me,“ he said while nibbling on my earlobe, sending shivers down my spine. „you won’t have to stay in here for much longer, I promise you that. I have set everything into motion.“ He gave me another lustful kiss, but it was over way to quickly.

Without another word he untangled from my arms, shut the doors and left me again.

For the next few days I was left alone again in isolation, neither hearing nor seeing another living thing.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2022 ⏰

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