v. are you the hogwarts express?

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v. are you the hogwarts express?

NEVEAH WAS HAVING A BAD day. First her sister yelled at her for thirty minutes because she was apparently no fun since she wouldn't go to the party in the Gryffindor Common Room, they had just won a Quidditch game against Slytherin and were throwing a party to celebrate and their was nothing more that Kiara wanted to do than go to the party, dance and drink with her friends and flirt with  cute boys. Unfortunately, her father made up another rule that she wasn't allowed to go to any parties unless Neveah was going.

Neveah barely left her dorm.

Then to make her day even worse James Potter started pestering her about her plans for Hogsmeade that day, along with Lily's plans of course. He also asked to know everything that Lily likes, he claimed that he had time. To sum it all up the creep asked about what she liked as well, by then she was threatening to wack him upside the head with her broomstick. James Potter was the definition of odd in her opinion.

"Lily, I'm just going to go into Honeydukes, real quick," Neveah said, "you head into The Three Broomsticks without me, I'll meet you there soon."

Lily nodded and headed off into the direction of the pub while Neveah turned the opposite and walked into the confectionery store. James took of his invisibility cloak, revealing Sirius and Cameron as well as him. "You heard the girl, follow her in there."

"James, your a stalker."

"Go!" James said, pushing Sirius into Honeydukes.

"You think he can do it?" Cameron asked, staring at Sirius who was glaring at Cauldron Cakes, he was clearly avoiding having to talk to Neveah.

"Nah, not at all."

Sirius turned to look at James and Cameron through the glass, James put two thumbs up smiling encouragingly while Cameron just nodded and gestured for him to go further into the store, which he did hesitantly.

SIRIUS FELT LIKE A CREEP. HERE he was looking at Neveah through aisles of sweets like some type of stalker, he just hoped she wouldn't catch him looking. With his luck, he knew she would in a matter of second.

"What the fuck, Black?"

"Hey, sweetheart," Sirius said, grinning charmingly. Usually girls swooned when he smiled but Neveah wasn't flustered at all, instead she was frowning.

"Don't call me sweetheart," She walked past him and started browsing different types of sweets.

"Well how about honey? Because your so sweet," Sirius ran to catch up with her and stopped when he was directly in front of her, Neveah rolled her eyes.

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