Chapter 12:

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As she sat all by herself Korra couldn’t help but to reminisce about all of the time that her and Asami had spent together. All the way back when Korra first met Asami; she had hit Mako with her scooter and from a first impression Korra was jealous. She didn’t know that her initial feelings toward Asami were that of interest. It was so long ago, when Asami and her father funded the Fire Ferrets in their competitions. Korra still had felt something negative towards Asami because all of her attention seemed to be on Mako. Little did she know that those emotions were jealousy because she wished she were in Mako’s shoes. All of them working together and fighting the Equalists. There was a small ping of sadness, she looked at the blank cement wall and felt a tear fall from her eye. They had all moved on, started their own lives and hardly got together anymore. That was going to be one thing she would attempt to fix once she got out of this prison. 

Her thoughts drifted to when she was residing in the South Pole with her parents and Katara, she was in recovery and physio. She had sent letters to her friends during that time. The most replies came from Asami, the others seemed to dwindle. Korra had always enjoyed the hand-written letters that she received. Emotion and feelings could be oddly easier deciphered, it was all in the penmanship. Letters seemed to be more personalized too. Asami’s gorgeous writing that was only meant for Korra’s eyes specifically. They were what kept her sane in probably the hardest time in her life so far. Asami was always there.

 At Jinora’s celebration of mastering air bending Asami took it upon herself to help Korra one-on-one. She helped dress her and prepare her in formal wear. That was when Korra knew. With Asami’s hands just delicately touching her, the slightest touch to her arm and back seemed to linger. Korra could have sworn there was actual electricity in those porcelain hands. That moment of realization had been mulled over and over in her head. At first she had thought she was overthinking it all. It was Asami’s words that also hung in her mind. She reminded Korra that healing would take time, and that she would only be a call away if she needed her. When Korra returned to the South Pole to heal after a few months, Asami showed up in person and caught her off guard. It touched Korra in a way that she had never experienced before. To be supported and loved from someone other than her parents. She swore to herself, as she watched Asami sleep in the chair across from her bed that night. She swore to make it up to her. She would do anything to show Asami how much she meant to her. 

Korra snapped back into the moment she was currently in. She raised the lunch to her face, inspecting it over before delving in. The ham and cheese sandwich was mediocre, not that Korra was any sort of food critic. It had tasted like one of those gas station sandwiches, which was most likely taken out of plastic packaging and thrown on the tray. 

Korra knew something had been in the food she was given, because shortly after she had consumed it she felt drowsy and tired. After what was probably half an hour; she couldn’t tell the time, but that was her best guess. She tried to stand, to bring the tray over from the bed to slide back through the bars. Vertigo and dizziness took over before her vision blurred and went black. She hit the floor and the tray clanged against the cold cement floor. 

She was awoken by something prodding her arm. The familiar sharp pain of a needle entered the inner part of her elbow, finding a vein. She opened her eyes quickly, her cyan irises pushed by her dilating pupils that took in the harsh fluorescent lights. Hiroshi was beside her, administering the IV bag that hung on a pole. She turned her head and even that felt slowed, sluggish and lethargic. 

“This is just a fluid to keep you hydrated. Other than your blood pressure, you seem to be healthy.” he said and taped Korra’s arm to keep the IV in place. 

Korra was utterly mortified, scared for her life and the Avatars before her. There was a fear that shook her to her core, she had only felt this way once before; when she was captured and held captive by Zaheer. Those memories invaded her brain yet once again. 

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