Chapter 1

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"Y/N no..." He stood there in shock.
The girl he always loved, the girl he wanted to rule the world with, the only thing he had, the only one who ever loved and cared for him.
1 year earlier...


I woke up with a smile on my face.
It was the first day at Hogwarts in my sixth year tomorrow.
I was so excited to finally go there again and see all my friends.

"Y/N darling please hurry up and pack your things" my mother shouted from the kitchen.
"Yes mom" I answered quickly.
I woke up way to late so I quickly packed all my things and ran down to the kitchen.

My brother ran up to me happily and hugged me tightly.
„It's my first day at Hogwarts ever tomorrow" he said energetically.
"I know and I'm so happy for you, I hope you like it there and find loyal friends" I said making him smile widely.

I ate some Pancakes and helped my Brother with his clothes for Hogwarts.
"Ready to go to the place where you can find what you need?" I asked my brother.
"Ready" he said excited.
"Grab a handful of this and speak loud and clearly out where you want to arrive.
"Diagon Alley" and he was gone.

"Please be careful and take care of him, I don't want you two to get lost"
"Mom you know that I'm not there for the first time."
"I know I just don't want to lose you" Mom said.
"I will be careful but I have to go now, he's waiting for me" I answered and she nodded.
"Diagon Alley" I said and arrived there.
My brother was talking to some random first graders.

"Cmon we have to get some things" I grabbed him by his arm and we entered Gringotts to get money for his stuff.
"Woah this is so cool" he whispered.
"Hmm..yeah" i said still holding his hand so he doesn't get lost.
"What are they?" my brother asked quietly.
"Gnomes" a voice said behind us.

"Lorenzo omg I missed you so much" I said and ran into his arms.
"I missed you too"

Lorenzo is always there for me, he is my childhood best friend and we know each other for a long time now.
"And you are.."
"Henry Sir" my brother said shyly.
"No need to call me Sir haha, so this is your brother" Lorenzo said looking at Henry with a comforting smile.
"Yes and maybe you could help us with some things?"
"Anything" Lorenzo said and we went on.
"You look a bit different you know and I think you look really good" Enzo said flirty.
"Well..thanks." I answered as he winks at me.

Hours passed and we slowly got to the end of the list.
We met some of our friends and Enzo and I talked about our summer vacation.

"You know..tomorrow will be a long day"
Seeing Enzo with Henry like this made me so happy and a smile showed up on my lips.
"Guys there is only one shop left...Ollivanders"
"Let's see which Wand this little boy will get" Enzo said smiling at Henry.

Henry was about to explode because of excitement.
He tried some Wands and no wand worked for/with him.
"I think I'm not made for this" Henry said slowly losing hope.
"Hey, hey you've only tried some Wands that doesn't mean you can't do that" I said making him smile a little.
"She's right", "I needed to try so many wands till I found the perfect one for me" Enzo said comforting him and giving him new hope.

Henry nodded and tried some more wands out till he had found the perfect wand for him.
Lorenzo and I smiled at each other as we saw Henry hugging me.

"I need to go home, see ya tomorrow brownie" Enzo said leaving us alone.
"Yeah see ya" I answered and Henry and I made our way home too.
"Mom look..I'm a wizard now" Henry said with his robe on and his wand in his hand.
"You look so cute in this..I remember your first day Y/N, you were so excited and your Robe was a little too big for you" Mom said bursting into tears.
"You've grown up so fast...I miss my little girl"
Mom please don't cry I'm only sixteen I said hugging her tight as a tear rolled down my cheek.

"Alright you two have to be really hungry, I made some Dinner."
We ate and my Brother and I helped mom with the dishes before we slowly got ready for Bed.
"Goodnight I love you both" Mom said as she entered her bedroom.
"We love you too" Henry and I said.

When I was just about to fall asleep I heard my door creak.
"Can I sleep in your bed?" I said Henry's tired voice next to my bed.
"Sure come in" I lifted the blanket for him and he got in.

I was still in bed when my cat woke me up as she stepped around my stomach.
I opened my window and inhaled the morning air deeply.
Henry and Mom were already in the kitchen making breakfast.
I cuddled with my cat a little bit before I showered and got dressed after.

I ate breakfast with Mom and Henry.
After that I got to the bathroom and made my skincare and brushed my teeth and hair.
I really didn't care about Makeup or anything like Hairstyles.

It was already 10am as Henry and I grabbed our things and Mom got with us to Kings Cross Station, Platform 9 3/4
"Alright kids have fun but not too much Y/N knows what I mean. Be diligent and do your work and don't do anything forbidden. I will miss you and I love you both" Mom said as she was about to cry again.

"We will miss you too Mom" I hugged her and took Henry's hand as we walked to enter the train.
I was looking for Enzo who was already waiting for us.
I hugged him tight after that he just tapped Henry's head to greet him.

We sat down and waved our parents. That was the moment when I saw him for the first time.

He was taller than me and had brown and curly hair. He turned around and I could see him better. He had warm brown eyes and a Scar on his right eye.

„He is the new Student" Enzo interrupted my staring.
„Do you know anything about him?" I asked Enzo as my gaze was on the New Student again.
„Not much but I heard he is dangerous" Enzo warned me.
I still looked at the boy when his eyes met mine...

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