Chapter 8

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We got home and I instantly checked my phone to see if Enzo send me a message.

'Draco and I are now at the Manor, have you arrived well?'

Thank god.
I replied to him as I sat down next to my brother.

"Hey lil Bro, hows it going so far?"
"Really good, I made lots of friends and I learned so many interesting things"
"Good to hear that"

We ate Dinner and talked about school, life and  Henry showed us some spells he wants to learn next when we are back at Hogwarts.

"Y/N, I've heard rumors about Voldemort's comeback"
"What, Mom I'm sure that the rumors aren't true"
"I don't think that"
"Mom please trust me"
"I don't want you to go back to Hogwarts"

What? She can't just cancel school, my friends are there, it's my second home!

"Mom please"
"No, it's not safe there anymore"
"No Y/N end of discussion"

I ran up to my room and locked the door.
I got into pj's and made some skin care to distract myself.
While I was putting on a face mask, Enzo facetimed me.

Hey Brownie

Enzo is everything alright?

Yes I just wanted to see you and hear your beautiful voice.

Thank you but you don't seem ok

Trust me everything's alright, how are you?

I'm just mad at my mom

What did she do?

She don't want Me and Henry to go back to Hogwarts because she heard the rumors about Voldemort

Well I think she's right, it's not safe then anymore

But she can't just lock us at home

I totally understand you but I also understand your mom

I won't play her game I wanna see my friends and have the best summer with them

I hope you can assert yourself with her

Yeah, wish me luck, I miss you

I miss you too

He really does not seem ok.
Maybe I should go to the Manor to check on him, I mean Narcissa knows me.

I will sleep a night over it.

I got up really early today.
I was already getting ready.

"Hey Mom" I said walking down the stairs
She was already doing breakfast.

"Mom I'll go somewhere today"
"And will you tell me where?"
"I'm gonna visit Pansy" I lied.
"Oh okay have fun then"

I ate with my Mom and got into my real outfit before sneaking outside.
I wore a black cargo jeans with a black leather jacket and a grey top.

I need to stay inconspicuous.
I knew where the Manor where because Enzo and I are childhood besties and I was there really often.

I arrived and knocked on the door.
A houself opened the door.
"Who are you?"
"Come on you know me, I'm one of Dracos and Enzo's friends"
"I'm sure they haven't invited you cause today they have an appointment"
"So you won't leave me in?"
"Definitely not"

I sighed and turned around.
You don't think I will just give up.
I jumped trough the hedge and walked behind the manor.

Enzo and I always sneaked out trough one broken window when we were kids.
I hope it's still broken cause it's my last rescue.

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