"Did you order," I said, taking a seat by Raf. "Yeah it should be here by now" he supposed his phone rang. He held the screen close to him "I have to take this" he said anxiously walking outside. I followed him a relatively close distance to hear him "Tonight are you sure" He questioned "ok wait for me and don't move in until I say so" he whispered ending the phone call.

"See you tonight" I whispered sneaking into the cafe. "Where did you go," I asked Rafael, who looked stressed "just my dad's business," he said, "did you get the food," he asked. "Here's your food sorry for the wait," the guy said, placing the plates of food on the table. I took a quick taste at it and noticed that it had been poisoned. I looked at Rafael and asked "can I try some of yours" He looked at me "sure, why" he questioned he said eating it. I acted dumb "I don't like this one," I said making a face "here" he smiled scutting it closer I took a taste his had the same taste I was sure who it was.

"I don't like this one either and it's not cooked thoroughly " I excused, "I think it's fine," he said grabbing a piece again "No let me here" I insisted picking up the plates. "No, let me" Rafael insisted. 

"Are you ok?"Rafael worried, "yeah just need to clean it up," I said trying to get the dressing off of my shirt. "Here I'll be right back. I just need to change it should be in my car" I supposed.

"Shit" I whispered looking for an extra shirt in my car. Someone knocked on my door. I looked back at the window it was grey. I took a deep breath out of pure anger. "What" I yelled "calm down are you looking for this" he announced holding up my extra shirt "you went through my car" I fumed "sh i think this would look great" He winked holding up a blue short dress that had flowers on it "Wouldn't be caught dead with that on" I sassed "No more options," He said throwing my shirt on the floor and throwing the blue dress in the car.

I stepped out of the car adjusting the dress. "Wow," Grey starred, taking off his glasses. I rolled my eyes passing by him. I entered the hall staring eyes followed me "Look any longer and I will carve your eyes out" I growled at the guy who was almost in my mouth.

"Lunch ended" The voice on the intercom yelled. I entered room 404 "new wardrobe" Emma giggled "Don't get used to it" I snapped. "Hey are you good," Rafael said, slipping the phone in his pocket I nodded sitting next to him. The same fat teacher came to lock the door again. The room was dead silent besides the occasional looking at each other.

2 hours later

The bell rang again with the same voice but this time to say have a good day I yawned picking up my stuff. Rafael grabbed his stuff almost sprinting out the door. Greys eyes shot at me almost as if he was asking me where he was going. I gave him a shrug fast walking behind Rafael. I ran up to Rafael "hey you didn't say bye where are you going" I questioned "family emergency" he lied getting the car. I dropped my phone as I was about to pick it up. I slipped a GPS tracking device under the car.

"Sorry about that but I'll see you tomorrow ok?" I said waving goodbye.

"How about tonight?" I whispered, slipping into my Ferrari. I checked the tracking app on my phone and backed out of the parking lot.


I headed back home since it was at night. I took a cold shower and loaded my bag with the big guns. I slipped on 2 guns on my gun. I got my lucky knives out of the volt shoving them in my knife holder and wrapping that around my thigh.

I sat on my couch waiting for him to move out of his house constantly checking my phone. "Moving northeast" Siri yelled. I ran out of my house almost forgetting my bag. I unlocked the car which didn't make as much noise as the others. I put the bag on the passenger and opened it wide. I set my phone up. He was moving fast but I was a lot quicker.

Rafael stopped moving I saw him get out of his car loaded with men all around him "you act dumb but" I sighed. Another pack of cars came from the other side. Rafael's men drew out their weapons.

A tall man stepped out of the car adjusting his tie. I went around the car to see him from a better angle. I saw the face clearer but couldn't figure out who it was "Where's your boss" Rafael shot. "He said you'll know soon" He warned grabbing his gun he shot 2 men and soon enough shots were being fired.

I felt a gun on my head "Who are you" the voice shot. I raised my hands as I surrendered "WHO ARE YOU" He screamed. I grabbed his gun leaving in shock but before he could do anything else I shot his knee.

I went to the warehouse trying to find where Rafael went. I saw him yelling at the rest of the guards. I tried to get closer but someone held me back and I turned back to see Grey. It happened so fast that I was left in shock. He pinned me on the wall "what are you doing here" snapped "let me go" I defended yanking my arm.

"Who's there" Rafael yelled as I pulled my gun out, hiding behind the wall. Grey wrapped his arms around me. We sat there until the gunshots stopped "They should be dead let's go" Rafael ordered.

The footsteps went away then the car's noise slowed down "get off of me" I yelled, pushing him.

"Don't touch me grey" I warned "you would have died if I wasn't here" He pointed out "Why are you here anyway" I shouted until I remembered that guy wasn't the boss.

"Oh fuck you" I yelled walking off "Wait" Grey came at the same speed as me I looked at him waiting for him to say something "how did you know that I was here" He questioned.

"I didn't know you were here. I was following rafea- why am I explaining myself to you I found out somehow ok" I fumed. "Now don't come near me again grey or I will tell Rafael who you are" I threatened. 

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