My heart sank.

Grey's mafia was called that but I had to know for sure. I nodded "dad I have to go to work but you're safe here," I told him "alright I'll make myself something.. bye sweetheart," He said "okay" I smiled grabbing the black bag that was loaded with all my guns. I also grabbed a black dress and a pair of black high heels.

I parked on Emma's driveway way changing my clothes. I fit the dress around my body. It was swarmed with glitter and looked a little short but I didn't have anything else. I slipped the high heels. I looked around checking if anyone saw me change no one was around but the cars filled up towards the street.


"Hey Anastasia, I was right here" Rafael waved. I walked over to him. Emma and grey were also surrounding the table. "You look stunning," Rafael said, getting up he held my hand and spun me around "thank you for sending those guys they helped me a lot" I smiled. "Anything for you" He nodded back.

I looked over to grey who was chugging the tequila down. "OMG it's almost time to go let's go take some pictures all together" Emma cheered. "No thanks, I'm good" Grey mumbled "Come on grey" I urged him to get up. "It's fine he doesn't have to just take pictures together" Rafael stood up grabbing my hand.

"Actually I'll go" He nodded, placing the shot glass down. "Okay I'm going to go tell one of the photographers to come outside" Emma cheered. Rafael's phone rang and he hid the screen "I have to take this'' he excused himself.

"Grey" I smirked

"Anastasia" he laughed

"Grey I have to ask you something," I blurted out. I didn't know if I was making the right choice of telling him or not. "My- " I was about to say as I was cut off by Emma "I got the place ready" she cheered dragging grey outside. I walked out behind them onto the field filled with pink roses.

My face lit up to the acres of land filled with roses all perfectly lined up into straight rows. I took a long breath closing my eyes, the breeze hit my nose, the smell swarmed my lungs.


She closed her eyes to the smell of the roses. I hated the smell of roses but for some reason, this time I looked at her and the smell comforted me.

She seemed off lately I wondered what she was trying to tell me. "What's on your mind.. What do you want to tell me" I whispered.

"What do you mean" Emma's annoying voice yelled. I gave her a stare. She wouldn't take a hit, she just shrugged her shoulders "anyways let's take a picture here" she went on dragging me to the middle of the field.


Emma dragged grey to the middle field by the look of it grey seemed to be enjoying it looking into my eyes and smirking they acted like a happy couple and grey wanted to show it off every second shoving their love in my face.

I went back inside trying to find Rafael who was still taking on the phone "what's so important" I whispered to myself. I started to walk over to Rafael trying to hear their conversation a hand pulled me into the darkroom making me stumble.

"Grey" I whispered, making up his face with the small amount of light peeking through. The closet was tight and couldn't fit even 1 person; we were touching each other.

I felt his breath near me making my heart beat faster. I didn't know how to stop it no matter how I tried to fix my breathing. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2021 ⏰

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