Chapter 10

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Lena had memorized the address of the inn Michael had instructed she stay at when she first arrived here. She found herself there, as it was the only place she could think to go to after what had happened on the road by the manor.

She wanted to run right home to her mother and sister in Berlin. They would know what to say to her; they would protect her from the monsters. But alas, that wasn't an option. She was trapped here- her only comfort in this strange town.

Her dress leaked rainwater onto the floor as the bell on the top of the door marked her presence at the inn. Mud rimmed the bottom hem of her skirts and fully drenched her shoes and stockings. Part of her updo had come undone from running so hard and the piece of hair now dangled over her right eye. As soon as she stopped running, she bent over her legs and started panting.

She finally looked like she belonged at an inn. Her sister wouldn't even be able to look at her if she were to show up at their house in this condition. She wasn't sure her mother would even let her through the front door if she were to bring in this much mud and rain.

After she had caught her breath, she walked straight up to the man at the front counter, ignoring the drunken men at the tables who gaped at her. "I would like a room to stay in for the night."

The innkeeper took in disheveled appearance. "Good God girly, have you been chased by a bear?"

She laid a few coins out on the counter. "Could I get a room, please." She looked behind her to make sure no one had followed her here.

The innkeeper buried his curiosity as her said, "sure thing."

In her experienced, that's what everyone said when she took out her money. No one thought to ask questions when they were being paid so dearly.

He took out a piece of parchment and a key and slid it towards her. "It'll be just down that way." The innkeeper pointed towards a hallway to their left.

She gave a half-hearted "thanks" as she grasped the parchment and key and headed down the hall.

The inn was musty, and a few men sat on the floor outside their door downing gigantic glasses of beer.

What in the world was Michael thinking recommending she stay here? Maybe she had misjudged him, and he was actually like all of the other arrogant lords who had no idea of the living conditions of the rest of their village.

No- she could not allow herself to think that. After all he had told her of being raised with these people- of wanting to protect them at all costs, she could not bear the idea that he did not know all the happenings of the town that surrounded him.

When she had found the room number written on the piece of parchment, she unlocked it with ease. She opened up the door to reveal an adequately sized room with a full-sized bed, a desk, and a miniature closet.

While certainly not as grand as the room she had stayed in at Gloggerson, it wasn't as small and filthy as she'd expected. The sheets looked washed, the carpet seemed odorless, and the walls looked scrubbed. It wasn't complete rubbish, but it also wasn't something a high-born Count would refer to as his favorite inn.

She had no trunk with her. Her only belongings were the clothes on her back and a bit of money in her pockets. She didn't know what she would do tomorrow, but for tonight, she would stay here.

As she locked the door behind her, she also locked out all the events that had happened that day. She hadn't enough energy to pry through all of them.

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