Fun in the Sun 🌞

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*April 28 2020*

Malena's POV:

This morning I received a text from Lauren saying that there's going to be a barbecue today at their place, and I was invited to help around with the kids.

I'm honestly super hyped because it's been awhile since I've had fun. I'm currently in my last year of high school and it's quite stressful. I applied to many colleges but still don't know which one to choose. I don't even truly know what job I want to have in the future. Either way, today's gonna be a day where I can relax and not think about anything school related. How great! 😎

I decide to wear a cute black top, some denim shorts and my black bag ♥️

I decide to wear a cute black top, some denim shorts and my black bag ♥️

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I arrive at their house at around 10 am before the guests were arriving.

"Hey sweetie! Great to see you!" Lauren greets me with her usual cheery self.

"Hey! It's great to see you too!"

I settle my bag on the counter and start helping her with the food.

We are making macaroni and cheese while Nick is outside preparing the barbecue.

I feel arms tightly hugging the back of my legs, not letting go. As I turn around I see that it's Odin.

He giggles uncontrollably as I try to get out of his embrace.

"Well hello there little guy!" I lean down to hug him and he hugs me back.

"I'm so happy that you're here!" He tells me while giving me the biggest smile ever.

"Aww and I'm so happy I can be here with you!"

Gosh I love kids. I can't wait to have some of my own someday. Although that will be in a while...haha.

An hour goes by and I hear the doorbell ring.

"Malena, can you get that please?" Lauren asks me as she's taking the macaroni and cheese out of the oven.

"Of course". I go and open the door.

Right in front of my eyes I see a tall dark haired woman with a baby girl in her arms and who I assumed to be her husband, beside her.

She's really pretty and her baby girl is so cute!

I'm a bit confused because I have no idea who they are and judging by their expressions they feel the same about me.

After a moment of awkwardness passes, I hear Lauren coming up to us.

"Oh hi Angel, Corey and Harper! Pleasure to see you! We've missed you!"

"We've missed you too Lauren!" The brunette replies.

"We're so glad we could be here" the attractive man says.

Lauren notices that she still hadn't introduced us.

"Malena, this is Nick's sister Angel, her husband Corey and their little daughter Harper".

"Guys, this is Malena. She's our new babysitter"

"Oh hi!" I shake their hands.

"It's such a pleasure to meet you!" Angel tells me.

This is Nick's sister? Wow! They look nothing alike. Nick's blond with blue eyes and she's a brunette with dark eyes. Genetics are strange...

Odin rushes up to us and starts hugging Harper.
"I missed youuuuu" he tells her.

This warms up our hearts as we all smile seeing how happy little Odin is to see his cousin.

After they've got settled in, Nick comes inside and greets everyone.

Lunch is already made and we all go out on the terrace by the pool.

Lauren and Nick decide to let Odin swim before eating so he won't get sick.

Corey decides to let Harper swim aswell. He puts her floties on each arm, grabs a plate of food and stays at the edge of the pool watching the two kids.

Saoirse is in her high chair being fed by Lauren.

We start digging in. The food is so delicious. We have burgers and steak that Nick grilled, cheesy Mac n cheese that me and Lauren made and a side of Caesar salad. Yummy! 😋

A while goes by with silence as we all enjoy the food.

Suddenly, I hear Angel ask me a question.

"So Malena, tell me about yourself".

"Why Yes! We would like to know more about you!" Lauren chips in.

"Oh um..."

"Come on, don't be shy" Nick says.

I don't even know where to start? I mean what do I tell them? This is a bad habit of mine. I get so nervous around people that I barely know....

I take a deep breath, here goes nothing...

"Well, I'm 18 as you probably know... I'm currently finishing my last year of high school but I don't really know what job I want to have in the future."

"Maybe a teacher? Since you're so good with kids" Lauren says.

"Well yeah maybe. I haven't really thought of that" I chuckle.

"You're so pretty! What's your ethnicity?"Angel asks.

"Aw thank you! I'm Albanian. My parents immigrated here as refugees back in 1999 when the war in Kosovo begun and three years later, here I am"

"You're from Kosovo? That's so cool!" Nick says as Lauren and Angel agree.

"I remember when the war happened I kept on seeing it everywhere on the news. The president at that time, Bill Clinton went there and helped the people as much as he could." Nick tells me.

"Yeah president Clinton is like a hero for us Kosovars. There's even a street named after him in the capital city of Pristina."

"Oh wow really? Very interesting!"

...... Me and Nick talked for the rest of lunch. We laughed many times and our conversations flowed naturally.

I didn't even realize that it was already the afternoon.

We all start bringing the empty plates inside.

After we all cleaned up, the guests left and I stayed to help put the kids asleep for their nap.

It was hard putting Odin to sleep but I managed with some help from Nick. 😌

"It was really nice getting to know more about you" Nick shot me a friendly smile.

"I'm glad you're interested in getting to know me"

"Of course! I mean you're going to be spending a lot of time here, I'm interested in getting to know our new babysitter".

I smirk. "Not so new anymore"

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