Caught 👁👄👁

138 3 25

*11 pm*

Nick's POV:

The night has come to an end. I had a really good time with Malena and her friends. I never knew that I would get along with them so well. It also helps that they don't know I'm her boyfriend.

As I enter my house, my phone rings, I see that it's AJ calling.

What could he possibly want?

I pick up even though I'm tired and don't feel like talking right now.


"Heyy Nick how are you?"

"I'm great, I actually just got home from-

I freeze. I can't tell AJ where I was, he can't know.

"Yeah I know you were at Vinnie's"


How on earth did AJ know I was there? Is he physic? Did he maybe see me?

"Yeah I was there to pick up food and I saw you... with some teenage girls"

AJ sounds really confused, I mean if I were him I would be too.

"Oh um... yeah... that..."

"Uh yeah? Nick who are they? I've never seen them before in my life. You seemed pretty close with them, especially with the brunette"

"Yeah.. um that was my.....niece and her friends"

I went along with Malena's lie.

"Your niece?"


"How can she be your niece if your siblings' kids are all under the age of 10?"

"Shit... I really didn't think this through..."

I left a long pause thinking of what I should say.

"She's..... a... family relative"

"Nick how dumb do you think I am? Just tell me who she is. At least tell me her name"

"Malena. Her name is Malena"

"Huh" AJ said.

Even though I couldn't see him I could tell that he's confused and trying to put all the pieces together.

"The reason why I havent brought her up before is because she's a more distant relative"

"Yeah ok. Nick I know for a fact that this girl isn't related to you. I can tell you're lying right now.
I've known you for 27 years, you think I can't notice things like these?"

I sigh. I can't tell him about me and Malena. I can't tell anyone. Nobody can know about us.. it would ruin everything.

"She's my babysitter. You know how I told you that I needed one? Well that's her"

I felt better now that I told him the truth...well half of the truth, I just left out the part of us dating :)

"And why were you out having lunch with her and her friends?"

"It was her graduation. I wanted to be there for
her- as friends. We bond a lot whenever she's working, in a friendly way. She had a hard time at high school and I wanted me to be there to celebrate this special day with her"

A long silence appears.

"Well- don't you think it's a bit weird? She's like what? 18?"

"Like I said we're just friends, nothing else. Come on you don't really think I would cheat on Lauren do you?"

"Nah bro, I know you're not like that"

We talk a bit about some new music we wanna release later this year and then hang up.

Phew, thank god.

I think AJ believed me.

I decide to call Malena and tell her all about this.

"Heyyy" she answers right after the first ring.

"Hey... um I need to tell you something

"Is everything alright?" She asks worried.

"What? Yeah it's just that AJ saw us at the restaurant"

"Oh my god!" She gasps.

"I know! But don't worry I lied and said that we're just friends"

"Why didn't you tell him that I'm your niece?"

"Well, that doesn't quite work when he knows your entire family..."

"Ah, you have a point"

"Malena, you need to promise me that you won't tell  nobody about us ok? And when I say nobody I mean nobody. Not even your friends"

"Yeah... no, for sure I understand"

Im glad I had this talk with Malena. She seems very understanding and I love that about her. Sometimes I don't even feel like she's 18"

Malena's POV:

Of course I'm disappointed that I can't tell Selena and Lola about our relationship. Us girls tell each other everything, absolutely everything.

In a way I guess it's kind of a blessing because they won't be judging our relationship.

A 40 year old married man with kids dating his 18 year old babysitter Isn't something most people view lightly....

I just hope that me and Nick will still be able to go on dates. Having a secret relationship may be fun at times but it can also be super annoying 😒

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