Messed Up Day

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Recap: You went to canteen to get some snacks. You took your order and sat on a corner sit. Ajey and his friends approached you. 

They came and sat surrounding you. 

[Your POV: Ugh.. Here we go again.] 

Ajey: What would you like to have Sahil? 

Sahil: I'll have a cheese sandwich. 

Ajey: There you go! 

Ajey grabbed the sandwich from your plate and gave it to Sahil. 

Ajey: And what about you Harry? 

Harry: I'll have French Fries. 

Ajey: Here! 

He then grabbed French Fries from your plate and forwarded to Harry. 

Ajey: And for me I'll have Cappuccino. [Smirks] 

You weren't saying anything. Just constantly looking at there activities. They finished all your food. You thought that it wasn't right messing up with them. So you stayed quiet. 

Ajey: Joey, right? 

You bent your head and stared your empty plate. 

Ajey: Can't you speak? [laughs] 

Sahil: She can, buddy. [laughs] 

Ajey: Then why isn't she? 

Sahil: Maybe because we've eaten her food and she'll faint 'cause of no food. [Laughs] 

Ajey: Who'll catch her if she faints? [Smirks]

They were laughing and making fun of you. Everyone in the canteen started staring. You were embarrassed. You couldn't control your anger now and finally, you burst out. 

Joey: Why are you doing this to me? [Furiously] 

Ajey: Did you just yelled at me? [Stands up] 

Joey: Yeah because I can't be quiet, being afraid of you anymore. 

Ajey: You'll have to be afraid of me okay? That's the rule. [Furiously] 

Joey: Then I'm an expert at breaking rules.

Ajey: Do you know whom you're speaking to? 

Joey: Yes. I know very well. A lame guy who likes teasing people, bullying them and make fun of them. 

Ajey: What the fuck did you say?[Angrily]

Joey: Didn't you hear me? Are you deaf or what? [laughs] 

Samira saw you and Ajey arguing. She came in between and tried to drag you out of there. 

Samira: Joey what the hell are you doing? C'mon let's go. [Panicked] 

Joey: Stay out of this Samira. You don't know what these guys were up to. I gotta teach 'em a lesson. 

Ajey: You'll teach me? You bitch? I'mma show you who I am. 

Samira: Ajey let her go. She's new. She don't know anything. 

Joey: Samira I'm telling you, leave me on my own. These guys must know what they're doing is wrong. 

Ajey: She'll have to pay for what she said. 

Samira: Joey please stop. Ajey please let her go. She doesn't know anything, yet. 

Ajey: Tell her to apologize then.

Samira: Joey please apologize. [Tensed]

Joey: I won't apologize to a loser like him. [Shouts] 

At this moment, Ajey's anger was on top. He went to the canteen counter, took two eggs and slammed them upon your head. 

Ajey: Don't you ever dare say anything to me. [Shows middle finger] 

He started leaving with his friends. You shouted from behind

Joey: Fuck you! [Screams] 

He turned around and looked at you. 

Ajey: Well you're already fucked. [laughs] 

Samira dragged you out of there and took you to the washroom. 

Samira: Are you out of your fuckin' mind? 

Joey: C'mon Sam.. You don't know what they were up to. 

Samira: I know Joey. I know everything. But you'll have to bear this. 

Joey: I can't bear his torture. I don't belong to a normal background. I've suffered so much because of mental trauma and I don't wanna go through all that again. 

Samira: Mental trauma? 

You paused for a minute and splashed water on your face.

Joey: My Mom passed, a few months ago. [Gasps] 

Samira: I.. I'm so sorry for your loss. I didn't knew that. But how? 

Joey: She was diagnosed with Heart malfunction. She was sick for a year. Few months ago she died. 

Samira: It must be hard to survive without your Mom. 

Joey: Yes. It is. But we're making things work. Me and my Dad. 

Samira: Trust me it'll get better with time. These kinda things take time to heal. [Smiles] 

Joey: I hope so. [Smiles] 

Samira: But even now I'll suggest you, It'll be better if you'll stay away from Ajey. 

Joey: Will you tell me what's the matter with him? Why is he like this? 

Samira: I know him since school time. He used to be my classmate then also. The most wanted, you know. 

Joey: So he's the most wanted since childhood? Nice. [Laughs] 

Samira: That's the matter. [Laughs] 

Joey: Guess what, he successfully managed to ruin my hair. [Looking into the mirror] 

Samira: No problem with that. Eggs are good for hair. [Laughs] 

Joey: Of course. [Laughs] 

Samira: So let's leave now? 

Joey: Yeah.. I'll drop you home. 

Samira: No I'll go by myself. 

Joey: C'mon. I'm not a serial killer. [Laughs] 

Samira: I'm not either. [Chuckles] 

Joey: Let's go. 

Later you guys went to the parking lot to get into your car. On your way, you were again stopped by Ajey and his gang. 

[Your POV: Not again!] 

Ajey: Joey Madison. [Evil Smile] 

Joey: Look Ajey.. I don't wanna push myself into some kind of war or fight or something. Please leave me alone. 

Ajey: Well you've already pushed yourself in this war and it's bloody world war now. [Smirks] 

Joey: Please Ajey.. I don't wanna fight. 

Ajey: Well now you'll have to. Get ready to defend yourself as much as you can. All the best. [laughs] 

Ajey and his friends left. 

Samira: Ignore him Joey. He's like that. He won't put you in trouble for long. It's gonna be fine. 

Joey: I hope it gets fine soon. I don't wanna be in this. 

Samira: C'mon let's go now. 

Joey: Yeah. 

You guys entered your car and left. You dropped Samira at her house and went back to your home. 

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