Chapter One

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It had been a very long day for the band members of One Direction and they were happy to finally be back in their hotel room. Louis sat snuggled up at the end of the sofa with a contented smile on his face as he watched his friends doing the usual kinds of things they normally did after a busy day of interviews and promotional appearances. Liam and Zayn were playing a game of FIFA together and Niall was shouting out advice to both of them and generally just being loud. Louis looked toward the kitchen area at his best mate, Harry, who was cooking something that smelled really nice.

Louis loved watching Harry cooking..hell..Louis loved watching Harry doing anything. There was a strong bond between himself and Harry, a connection that was greater than the friendships he had with the other boys. Harry, Liam, Zayn and Niall were all Alpha males. Louis was the sole Omega in the band and even though he felt protected by all of them it was always Harry he turned to whenever he was feeling scared or upset. And Harry would always drop everything to stop anyone or anything from making Louis feel that way. There had been far too many times where Harry and the other boys had needed to step in and help their omega bandmate when an Alpha..sometimes multiple Alphas..had gotten too close to Louis with the intention of trying to steal him away and either mate him or something more sinister. There had been some very close calls where none of the boys had been close enough to prevent Louis being manhandled by reporters, fans and even fellow celebrities wanting to possess the beautiful omega.

   Harry was particularly protective over Louis. He had felt an instantaneous connection to Louis     from the moment he first laid eyes on him. He often thought back to that day when they were first introduced to each other..the day they were selected to be in the band together..and Louis had taken his breathe away. It was almost immediate..the way his wispy fringe settled just above his eyebrows, the sculpted cheekbones that looked to have been carved by only the greatest artist. Harrys tongue had yearned to caress Louis pretty pink lips and elicit a soft moan from deep within the omega. If Harry had to be honest though, it was when he was face to face to Louis and the boy raised his head in was the eyes..those deep ocean blue mesmerizing. In that moment, Harry had no doubts and no choice...Louis was his 'One'. 


Short first chapter but just testing the first ever story so a bit unsure if the writing style and/or content is of a good enough standard. Currently working on the next few chapters and will publish asap.

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