Keep Him Close

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Harry took a seat at the table with the boys and took a moment to contemplate his thoughts before speaking.

"What's wrong with Louis? " asked Niall with a worried look on his face.

Zayn reached out to touch Harrys arm.  "Yeah mate," he said. "Is he okay?"

Harry shook his head and buried his face in his hands before looking back up at his friends. 

"Look boys," he began. "I don't think I'm being too overprotective here, but something went down in the restroom back at the studio between Louis and Nick Grimshaw and it wasn't anything good. I just know that asshole did something to Louis that scared him, I could feel the fear just rolling off him when I walked in there..and Grimshaw had the biggest smirk on his stupid face when I passed him on his way out of the restroom. Plus Louis was sitting against the wall looking pretty upset when I came through the door."

"Did Louis tell you anything?" Niall asked.

Harry shook his head. 

"No, he pretty much brushed it off, saying he hadn't eaten enough and he was tired.  I don't buy it though. I mean, come on seen how Grimshaw was towards Louis during the interview right?  He couldn't take his eyes off him and the questions he asked him were out of line."

Liam stood up and started pacing the room. 

Well Harry" he said.  " I'd love to say you're reading too much into this, but if what you've just told us is true, and taking into account the way Nick was towards our Louis during that interview, then I'm worried mate. I mean, we all know how Louis is. He's so innocent and I don't think he'd be strong enough to put some horny Alpha in their place."

"Take a breather boys," said Zayn.  "We can't assume anything just yet okay. I think we should just make sure that Louis is never alone with Nick, at least one of us should be with him whenever we have to be around him and we'll just take a good look at how Louis behaves whenever Grimshaw is present. I understand where you're coming from, especially you Harry, but we have to stay calm about this considering the amount of connections Grimshaw has in our industry."

"What the hell Zayn?" Harry said loudly. "Are you more concerned with your career than with Louis safety?"

"Fuck no Harry!" Zayn replied. "I'm just saying, we have to play this right. Grimshaw has alot of pull with some very powerful people. He has his fingers in alot of pies and that includes an investment with our management company. If we come out full throttle with accusations and threats then who knows what will happen."

Liam nodded his head.  "Shit, you're right mate," he said. "We all know that our management has looked the other way when we've had incidents involving Louis and some famous Alpha dickhead..we've just been lucky enough to have been there and scared them off....but with the amount of money Nick has invested in our management company and the influence he has over so many celebrities careers, we have to play this right. If we go about it the wrong way then Louis is going to end up in a bad situation that we may not be able to save him from."

The boys all fumed at the very thought of Louis being taken advantage of. They couldn't stand it when he was treated like a piece of meat. There had been so many times they'd had to run off some Alpha douchebag that had tried to drag Louis off and take what they wanted from him. Louis Tomlinson was a very sought after Omega. Not only was he famous and a very rare male Omega, he was also aesthetically beautiful. So many Alphas, Betas and even Omegas had tried to court him and when Louis had evaded their obvious attempts, some, mostly headstrong Alphas, had become angered and attempted to steal the Omega away and keep him to themselves. 

It was only because the boys were so regimented in their schedules that Louis had remained safe and untouched. The boys always made sure one or more of them was with him at all times and if that wasn't possible then they had at least 2 very scary bodyguards with him wherever he went.

The boys needed Louis to stay safe, he was theirs to look after like a little brother.

For Harry..Louis was more..Louis belonged to him..he was his other half.

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