I Will Destroy You

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Louis could feel his heart racing as the large Alpha shoved him backwards into the wall, pressing his body into him so he had him pinned helplessly against the cold tiles. "Please let me go." Louis whimpered softly. He knew he had no chance of pushing Nick away. A tiny Omega was no threat to a large Alphas strength and Louis had no doubt that if Nick wanted to do anything to him..he could without any trouble whatsoever. Nick looked down at the trembling boy and an obnoxious grin appeared on his face. 

        "Oh Louis," he said. "Do you have any idea of the amount of Alphas that would kill to be in my position right now? And you think I'm just going to let you go? Oh no..I will destroy you."

He laughed and tightened his hold around Louis small waist. "You have the most delectable scent, it's sweeter than anything I've ever encountered before,"  He pushed his face into Louis neck, taking a deep breath as the intoxicating aroma filled his senses and sent a wonderful chilling sensation up and down his body. He wanted to taste that smell, he wanted to possess Louis entirely. But..he hesitated.

  An Alpha knows when another Alpha is attracted to an Omega. An Alphas senses are very strong and when they smell the pheromones coming from another Alpha towards a particular Omega..the message is crystal clear. Hands Off!!! Nick Grimshaw is many things but he isn't an idiot. It may not be obvious to everyone but it was common knowledge to everyone in the world of celebrities and the inner circles..including journalists and the paparazzi...that Harry Styles would, quite literally, without hesitation, rip the heart out of any Alpha who dared to touch a hair on Louis Tomlinsons head.

  It was quite interesting to be honest. Harry had never been vocal about his connection to his little Omega bandmate, but it was obvious...Harry wanted Louis. He might think he was being secretive about it but it was as noticeable as the Sun rising in the morning. Whenever an interviewer or even one of their amazing and well-meaning fans got too close or asked a question that made Louis feel intimidated, Harry was always there. He would wrap his protective arm around Louis and pull him close to shield him from unwanted touches. He would distract a persistent interviewer who was peppering Louis with personal questions that made him uncomfortable. Of course the other Alpha bandmates guarded the vulnerable boy too, but it was nothing like the way Harry reacted when Louis seemed distressed.

  Nick moved his left hand from around Louis waist and gently stroked his left cheek. "Do you even know how beautiful and tempting you are Louis?" he said. "If I thought I could get away with it, I would fuck you right here against the wall and mate you so you would be mine forever."  Louis looked up at him with tears in his eyes. "Please, I don't want you to." 

  Nick released a low growl. "Right now isn't an appropriate time my darling. If we had more time though I wouldn't hesitate to rip your clothes off and devour your body until you couldn't help but submit to me. You wouldn't be able to stop yourself from baring your neck to me.  You wouldn't be able to resist when I bit into your succulent flesh and left my mark upon you. I'm going to mate you Louis. I don't care if you don't love me or want to be mine for eternity. I have ways of making you accept me as your master."

   Louis looked away when Nick said the word 'Master'.  He may be an Omega but he knew one thing for sure..he was nobody's slave. His bandmates and particularly Harry had taught him that he was no ones submissive..he was better than that. "Let me go now Nick." Louis said with contempt in his voice. Nick relinquished his hold with a low chuckle. He cupped Louis chin in his hand and with an almost evil grin he stared at Louis. "I will leave you alone for now," he said. "But I will make you mine. I will possess you Louis. One day very soon, you will be screaming my name as I'm thrusting into you. I don't care if you have some sort of connection to Harry...he won't stop me from taking you as my own. I've been obsessed with you since the moment I laid eyes on you and I will own you whether you like it or not."

  Nick moved away from Louis and slowly walked backwards towards the restroom door. The expression on his face was one of lust and determination. Louis looked away from the departing Alpha. Upon hearing the door open then close he raised his head to see an empty area. He slowly sank to the floor, relief flowing through his veins. It was indeed a close call. He knew that it could've been a different outcome. Nick very well could have thrown caution to the wind and decided to take his virginity and bitten him, marking him as his mate forever. Louis didn't want that. He had so many firsts..first date...first kiss...first bursts of love.

  And...Louis wanted all those first times being done by the Alpha he had loved ever since he had laid eyes on him. Harry Styles. 


Okay..for some reason this chapter is actually chapter 3, I don't know how or why it's swapped places with chapter 2 but the next chapter you read is supposec to be after this one. I'm technologically retarded so I don't know what's going on sorry. 😭

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