Chapter Seven

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"How did it go?" Michael asked, stepping down into the tech room as Liv and I stepped out of a now large and empty room.

"She did well. A beginner, of course, but a fantastic beginner." Liv complimented with a smirk, laying her heavy belt on the metal counter of the lab.

I smiled, but the smile soon melted away when Michael announced, "Great. Because Mr. Julio needs to see you for some intense training in studio G."

As if the virtual training wasn't intense enough, I thought. "Awesome." I sighed heavily.

Mr. Jorgenson patted me strongly on the back, "Come on, you'll learn quickly," He encouraged, beginning our journey to Studio G.

I looked at the clock quickly, before we left. It felt like eight o'clock, but in reality, it was only six. My stomach growled loudly. I had only had a banana muffin that morning and a disgusting school lunch. "Do you mind if we find something to eat first?" I asked hopefully.

"Dinner will be served after training. As for now, there will be a water bottle waiting for you in Studio G." He assured as we walked swiftly through hallways and up stairs. After traversing once more through the main entrance, we descended down maroon carpeted stairs and after turning a corner, entered Studio G. The room wasn't at all elaborate. It appeared to be a simple, large, mirrored dance studio. Aside from the bundle of rods and a pile of wooden boards in a corner, it was normal.

Mr. Julio greeted me warmly upon arriving. "Artemis," He drew out my name happily, grabbing my hands. "Welcome to Studio G. Today you'll begin learning karate."

"Karate?" I repeated in confusion. "Why?"

Mr. Julio's cheerful ambiance immediately faded as he replied coolly, "Because, karate is an art which I believe every spy ought to know. It helps protect not only you, but others in danger. Do not underestimate it."

"Okay, sorry!" I replied hastily, throwing my hands in the air as an act of surrender. In reply, he simply raised his dark eyebrows.

"Now, we'll begin with the first move-the sweeping block."

Training continued for two hours straight. Mr. Julio believed that it's best to keep trying and to press through until it is perfect. Though this may be effective for some people, it was not only exhausting but also frustrating for me. Eight o'clock struck and I was hungry and tired. I grabbed my almost empty water bottle and gulped down the last few sips. As I did this Mr. Julio congratulated me on my first lesson.

"Wonderful job Artemis. You are very strong. Probably the strongest I've ever seen. And if we can channel that strength..." He continued, but it was drowned out by my thoughts. Anger rose up in me. "I'm sick of it!" I cried. I hopped up off of the humid wooden floor and raced out the traditional white door.

"Artemis!" Mr. Julio yelled.

Next to a potted plant, I sat on the ground leaning up against the creme colored wall. A hot tear dripped down slowly off of my face. I'll never fit in. I just want to blend in with the crowd. Why can't they leave me alone? I never asked for this power and I don't want it anymore. If there's a God out there, you've made a mistake. I don't want to be an alien anymore! I curled into a ball, laying my head on my arms. I just want to be normal. At least a normal spy. Mr. Julio charged after me.

"Artemis, what is the meaning of this?" he demanded firmly.

"I don't want this." I mumbled, wiping away any remnants of tears.


"I don't want to be weird anymore. I just want to fit in. Is that so hard to ask? This strength has given me nothing but trouble." I explained.

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