Chapter Ten

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"You have a lot of training left to do Artemis." Mom reminded.

"Indeed," Added Mr. Lajos, "These next two days will be preparing you for your first real mission."

"What will we be doing on the mission?"

"The next best step, we think, is to go to Athens," continued Mom. "We looked in hundreds of genealogy books while in Greece and found the latest descendant of Amun. His name is Gabriel Kaufman."

After finishing, a mildly short lady with soft blonde curls framing her triangle shaped face and laying gently on her busty chest interrupted. "Um, excuse me. Mrs. Kokonis? I was wondering if you could go over these files with me." She asked quietly with a small high pitched voice. He lips barely moved.

"Are they really important?" Asked my mom.

"Well, I wanted to help and I thought these would be of service." She stated meekly, obviously trying to be of service.

"Just lay them on my desk, I'll get to them later. I have a lot to teach Artemis." My mom shooed her away, clutching me close to her.

"Oh, okay." She whispered, walking hastily away in her little pale purple dress and black flats.

"That woman, Ms. Catherine..."

I nodded.

"She's been assigned to me as a secretary. Nice girl. She really wants to help, but she can be a burden sometimes."


While we walked to the training pad, Mom and I talked eagerly of my current life at the agency. I told her of my awesome room and the virtual mission that Liv and I went through.

"I killed my first guy there." I announced. "I kinda felt bad, but I knew I had to do it."

"Yeah, but you know, that was virtual. In real life it might be harder for you. I'm glad you realized you had to do it, though." Mom pointed out.

"Right. Well, enough about me, what in the world have you been doing?" I asked, pointing my finger at her. "How did you become a spy?"

She smiled and replied, "Well, grandpa Daly was a retired agent, and when he told me while upon his death bed I felt it was my duty to continue his legacy. So, I rummaged through the basement at our house and found in a safe which was behind thick metal bars, the papers about his work at an agency called the S.D.A. (the Spy Detective Agency). I then bought a ticket to Montana, where the small agency was and they took me here. Here I met Ramon, we went on a few missions together and then got married three years later. Two years after that we had you. Though after you were born missions were kept at a minimum, Mr. Lajos thought we were fantastic at missions and couldn't help but ask us to help him out on several."

"And you couldn't help but say 'yes.'" I interjected sarcastically.

"Yes. Look, I know that we've not been there for you but-"

"You lied to me all these years!" I exclaimed.

"To protect you!"

I couldn't come up with a comeback and my mind was in a fury. In my anger, I couldn't help but let out a shout, or groan...or whatever you want to call it. I wanted to charge away, but I bumped into my dad who wasn't far behind. "Artemis, what's the matter?"

"You. My parents. Lied to me." I blubbered.

My dad help me close and I wept into his chest. "Shhh." He comforted, "Hey, look at me."

I slowly looked up.

"We love you. That hasn't, and will never, change. We didn't reveal everything to you for your safety. If someone, an enemy of the S.D.A. were to find out you knew anything, they'd come over to your house and kidnap you for sure."

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