Chapter Eight

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Ramon Kokonis looked out of the small helicopter, which he was piloting, down on the rugged terrain of his beautiful homeland, Greece. His even more beautiful wife Cassidy spoke into the plane's radio saying with a hint of an Irish accent, "Mr. Julio, we'll be landing in ten."

"Roger that, Agent 456." His thick Spanish accent evident throughout his reply.

Cassidy sighed and ran her finger through her sleek black hair. "Do you think Artemis is okay?" She asked worriedly.

"She's Artemis. She'll be fine." Ramon comforted, patting his wife's leg softly.

"Do you ever think that maybe we've not been there for her as much as we should have?" Cassidy inquired, looking out of the window while deep in thought.

"I must admit, I have. Why?" Ramon questioned, looking for a place to land.

"I don't know, it just seems as if she doesn't know us." Cassidy looked at her husband in concerned. Ramon looked back at her in confusion. "I mean really know us." Cassidy expounded.

"Of course not. We're secret agents, for goodness sake."

"Don't you think we should've told her sooner?"

"I'm sure she's found out by now. That's all we can do."

Cassidy took a deep breath and looked out the window once more. "I guess you're right."

Soon the Kokonises had landed on a flat, rocky cliff and were exiting the cockpit. Ramon, a 45 year old man, wore tan work boots, jeans, and a brown collared button-up shirt to match his chocolate brown eyes. His lovely wife Cassidy wore denim capris, and a purple blouse that fluttered in the wind. After grabbing her long strapped leather bag from her seat, Mrs. Kokonis signaled her husband. Ramon then took from his shirt pocket a small device, much like a car key remote, and pressed it. Consequently, the helicopter started to shudder and fold in neatly on itself like a transformer, transforming into a small box.

"Come on," Cassidy called out to her husband, waving her hand. Mr. Kokonis picked up the small box quickly, and slid it into his leather satchel.

"When is our appointment with Mr. Vitucci?" Ramon asked, as he caught up with his intelligent wife.

Cassidy looked at her watch. It appeared normal, but in reality it had all the features of a high tech computer. "In twenty minutes. We better hurry."

Ramon breathed in the city air, though musty, it had a hint of spices and fruit. "It's so good to be back." He remarked while he walked quickly through the cobblestone roads. "Come, Cass. There's a shortcut through the market."

Cassidy sighed, "Alright, but don't go talking to merchants again. They get you every time."

In defense, Ramon replied, "It was my old friend from my school!"

"True," Cassidy replied in a laugh, "but you left with three goblets and a plate full of pita bread."

"And you enjoyed them, no?" He asked with his Greek accent emerging.

Cassidy simply smiled. "Come on, we mustn't be late."

The couple traveled quickly through the narrow roads making turns left and right. Finally, they approached a creme colored plaster two story house with a high brick wall and black gate. A young brown haired woman in a long flowing white dress with a halter neckline sat on a stone curved bench under the shade of a potent olive tree. "May I help you?" She asked smoothly, closing her worn book.

"Yes," Ramon answered, "We are Ramon and Cassidy. We were going to walk with professor Vitucci to the national library of Greece. Is he home?"

"Indeed he is, I shall fetch him for you. Please, come in." The young lady replied, opening the black gate with an air of finery.

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