Chapter Fifteen

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The three of us looked at each other in confusion. " He hid it in a tomb?" I questioned.

"Apparently." Mom replied, looking once more at the wrinkled letter.

"But where? Does he say?"

"No, all he does is narrow it down to the silent years."

"Wait! What about the boat ticket?"

"Yes!" Mom exclaimed, snatching the bill from the envelope. "It says here...."

I was anxious to here the answer. Turkey? No. Israel? No. 

"Patmos." Mom said ins surprise looking up to Dad.

"Well, that's a coincidence. It's as if someone were writing our story." I laughed. 

"Oh, but someone is."

"And who would that be?" I asked in suspicion. 

"God. He's writing all of our life stories." Mom smiled.

I smiled briefly, for I felt as if she were trying to force Christianity upon me again. "Right. I'm sure He wrote excitedly about Gabriel's father dying as well."

"No, He-"

"I'm sure God put you in this position to die along with all the rest of the Agents!" I cried.

Mom grabbed me by the arms firmly, "Look at me, Artemis."

I reluctantly did with tears in my eyes.

"God is wise. Far wiser than any of us ever could be. Yes, perhaps He did plan for Gabriel's father to die. I don't know why, nor is it probable that I ever will. But there was a purpose. And yes, God gave me the job as an help people."

"But you could die." I wept.

"Not necessarily." She comforted, wiping away the tears from my cheeks.

"What?" I sniffed. "you live and die. End of story."

"Oh, no. There's so much more. This life is only a shadow of the eternal life I gain with Christ."

I responded with a confused look.

"Did you get a chance to read the Bible at all?" she asked hopefully.

"Only a little. Something about nothing hindering me from the love of God."

"That's wonderful. There's another part that says, 'Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil.' So, though I am in peril of death, though in the midst of dangers, deep as a valley, dark as a shadow, I know that there is more to life than this."

"Okay, I sort of get it." I replied, thoughtfully. Death is still terrifying. It's probably my biggest fear. Probably it's everyone's biggest fear. But, I guess there's something bigger than this life? I still don't know. But I'm going to find out.

"Ladies," Dad interrupted, "I'm sorry to interrupt, but we really have to go. It's almost three o'clock and we need to find this tomb."

"Right." I breathed.

"Mr. Vitucci has family here, so maybe he can hook us up with one of them. Maybe they'll let us crash there."

"Sounds good." Mom assured.


Professor Vitucci shook Gabriel awake. The man was lazily slumped in the pilot's chair of the high tech plane which was landed outside the Switzerland HQ. "Gabriel! Wake up!" Professor Vitucci demanded in a whisper.

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