Chapter Two

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 I slumped down in the worn blue leather chair as the principle, Mrs. Sanches, took her seat in a tall backed black stuffed leather chair. I looked grimly at the tiled floor.

"Ms. Kokinos, will you explain to me what that was all about?" The tall, straight black haired lady inquired. She stared intently with her icy blue eyes as she fumbled through some papers.

"Nothing." I simply stated.

"You pinned Mr. Richards to the gym floor, dear. I highly doubt that was for nothing." She stated cooly, placing her papers firmly on her cluttered desk.

"I know, I know, detention." I said rising to get my faded baby blue backpack I had slung on the floor.

"No, I'm afraid not. Now please, sit down." She said rising also from her chair.

I returned to my seat extremely confused.

"You're strength shown on that gym floor is not normal."

Not normal... Those words were like arrows to my already tattered self esteem.

"It's extraordinary. Instead of placing you in detention, I'm placing you in the softball team. Thier numbers are slim and tournaments are coming up. You'll put your powerful strength to good use."

"What? No, I've never played softball in my life!" I exclaimed.

She can't just put me in a softball team! There's too many people, and games, people watching your every move. I hate it!

"You'll learn, It'll be good for you. Maybe next time you won't react so harshly against Jason. Though he deserved it I'm sure."

As she said this she clicked her red high heels over to me and escorted me to the wooden door. I tried to protest but she would have no 'buts' as she would put it.

I slid down the white stone walls and plopped onto the cracked tile flooring. What am I going to do? I thought as a tear slipped down my face. I can't do this, I'll never be able to do this.


The days slipped by as usual, for everyone else. But for me, my mind was in constant anxiety about the upcoming softball meets. Each Tuesday the team would gather in the local park for practice.

The coach was a gruff, stout man, who always had a cigarette stuck in his mouth. Because of this, he often spoke in a loud growl. "Kokinos!" He barked one day, "Git your rump over here."

I stepped off the dusty pitcher's mound and ran over to his fold up camping chair which bent with his weight.

"Yes, Coach Greasly?" I asked, unafraid of this man.

"Sit down." He snapped.

I obeyed, and sat on the warped wooden bench next to him. As soon as I did this, he leaned over to me, and puffed, "You ain't normal Arty." I hated this nickname he had dubbed me by. Much more I hated being called not normal. Everyone seemed to be calling me unusual. But, ignoring that, I corrected, "It's Artemis."

"Whatever Arty. You ain't usual. You're stronger and better than any other member on this team. And it's only our second meetin'."

"Yeah, so?" I said annoyingly.

" The tournament's are coming up. I know you're a first time player but your gonna play in em. And you're going to win em. Is that clear?"

"I...uh...Yeah." I said but protested inside. I knew that I couldn't argue with Greasly. No one could. And the weight of the team was on my shoulders. I nearly broke down and cried.

(c) doveseyes 2015

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