Chapter 6: Guilty Until Proven Innocent

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??? POV

It's finally done. I have her. She'll be my bait. He will be mine, forever.

Matty's POV

"BELLA?!" I heard everyone start to call out. My face was burning, I was red, I was crying. I started to freak out. My breathing was as fast as my heart rate. I felt dizzy. "Matty?!" Tera said, shaking me to focus. I didn't reply. "DADDY! DAD! BA!" I heard her yell before things went dark.


Back at the hotel, the groups gathered in room 203. It was quiet in the room. There were small sobbing sounds every once in a while. It was a depressing scene. Matty's family was watching him lay unconscious on the children's bed. 

Tera's POV

It's my fault. Everything's my fault. I shouldn't have left Bella alone, then none of this would have happened. I watched my twin lay unconscious on the bed. "How's things holding up?" I heard a voice in my head, it was Slenderman. "He hasn't woken up yet.." Jane replied. "He'll wake up soon. I'm working on tracking down Bella." Slenderman said with a hidden worry to his voice. I walked over to him and tugged on his sleeve. He turned to me, looking down due to how tall he was. "Yes, child?" He asked. "Are you sure she's gonna be okay?" I asked tearing up. I could tell, even behind his faceless expression, he had a frown. He scooped me up in his arms and whispered, "She'll be back, I promise." I smiled as a tear ran down my cheek. "Thank you.." I said. He placed me down in dad's lap. "I'll be taking my leave, take care children." Was the last thing I heard from Slenderman, as I watched him disappear.

Amaya's POV

I was watching Tera being put down by Slenderman. She probably thinks it's all her fault by leaving Bella alone after the small argument they had. It wasn't her fault, she didn't know it was going to happen..

Masky's POV

Slenderman put Tera down in my lap. I looked over at Matty. "He's opening his eyes!" I said to Toby. He, Hoodie and Tera all jumped up to go see Matty.

Matty's POV

"Daddy?" I said, my head was hurting. "Yes I'm here." Daddy said rubbing my head. I looked to the side a little, there was Tera about to ball out crying. "Tera, it's okay." I said to her. Then she broke. She started saying things about how it's her fault, and that she's sorry. I couldn't understand it clearly, but that's what I got out of it. "Dear, it's not your fault." Daddy said, hugging Tera. "But it is!" I heard her say under her cries. "It was not your fault, Matty fainted from an anxiety attack." Daddy explained to Tera, still holding her tight. "If I hadn't have left Bella alone it wouldn't be like this!" Tera said still crying her eyes out. "What do you mean?" Daddy asked. "We had an argument because Bella wanted to swing and I wanted her to come with me.. then I left her." She sniffed. "You didn't know that was going to happen, plus it's not your fault that you both wanted to do different things. It's ok that you left her, it's not your fault, it's whatever took her's fault." Daddy said in a soft voice.


"..its whatever took her's fault." I heard Toby say, trying to calm Tera down. Suddenly, Slenderman appeared again. "I have some news." He said with a slight anger to his voice. "Someone here is somewhat responsible for Bella's disappearance." He finished. Some people started whispering and looking around. I knew my momma and daddy didn't do this. They would always be babysitting us, and plus, what would they get out of helping take Bella? "Do you know who?" Jeff said with anger. "No I don't, but whoever is will be sent to Zalgo's realm to become a slave for him. Which means no more care from me." The tall figure said, anger still in his voice. "How do you know someone here helped?" Clockwork asked. "Well, nobody knows Bella or any of your children are alive. The only way someone would know is if someone from here told the person who took Bella." He explained. "Don't make assumptions unless you have proof, I don't want anyone being sent there for nothing." He said before disappearing. Jeff must have not heard the last thing Slenderman said because he immediately turned around to look at Jane. Jane noticed him glaring at her. "Look Jeff, I may hate you, but I don't hate Ben or Bella. They mean a lot to me." She said sternly. Jeff sighed. "Yes, I don't believe Jane would do this, she loves Bella." Ben spoke with a shakey voice. "She even protects me from-.." He stopped. "Nina." Jeff finished his sentence. He turned to look where Nina sat. "I wasn't a part of this! I swear! I wouldn't take it this far!" She pleaded. "Why wouldn't you?! You already hurt them! So what's it for you to not take it this far?!" Jeff raised his voice at her. She didn't answer. Jeff started to walk towards her. Ben grabbed his arm before he could punch her. "Please stop.." Ben said softly. "Fine.." Jeff said lowering his arm. I knew this meant that everyone would be enemy's until proven innocent.

[888 Words]

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