Chapter 9: The Plan

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Tera's POV

I watched as Matty lay out paper. He then pulled out crayons from his jean pocket. They were the ones from the restaurant. "I knew I would need these for something." He said and began to draw on the paper. The building we were in was drawn in the red color. He drew another building which I figured was the restaurant. Then he drew a circle which was maybe the playground. He drew a line from the building we were in to the restaurant to the playground. "This is where we'll go to investigate." He explained. Amaya had her hand on her chin as if she were thinking. "So when we get to the park, we just hope we find a clue and go off of that?" She asked. He nodded. 

We headed out of room 204 and down the hallway. Eventually we made it to the weird elevator. I didn't like it, it scared me. "Do we have to use that to go down?" I asked Matty. "I don't see any stairs and the elevator is probably faster." He answered. Amaya looked around. "Guys! Look! The emergency stairs." She called. I smiled and grabbed LL and Matty's hand, dragging them to the door that said emergency. "Wait." LL said right before Amaya was going to open the door. "Ben may hear us." He explained. 

Matty's POV

"Ben may hear us." LL explained. I had forgotten about how good he could hear. "Yeah.. he would probably hear us anyway that we used to get down, elevator or stairs." Amaya agreed. I took a moment to think. How would we get out? 

Ben's POV

I sniffled. My ears twitched. I heard the children in the hallway. It was all of their voices. What were they doing? I wanted to leave the room but I was too scared. I know Toby had screamed at Jeff but didn't know what Jeff would do to me if I left the room. Maybe he would hurt me again. No! What am I thinking, he wouldn't.. I needed to go see what the children were doing. Their safety is way more important than mine. I'm not worth being safe anyway. I hesitantly walked to the door. I hadn't heard much after the conversation that Masky and Jeff had. I slowly turned the door knob and hoped for the best. I saw that Jeff was sitting on the bed with his head in his hands. Toby had almost fallen asleep in Hoodie and Masky's arms. Jeff stood up and looked at me. I couldn't tell his emotions. Toby glared at him and sat up. "Leave him the f**k alone.." Toby growled. Hoodie patted his head and started playing with his hair. His eyes softened and he relaxed a small bit but didn't lay back down. He looked at me. 

Toby's POV

"Leave him the f**k alone.." I growled. Jeff sat back down, submitting to my dominance. I felt soft hands pat my head. Brian started to play with my hair. I felt more relaxed. I looked at Ben who was obviously going to go out the door. He started to sign to me. 'Thank you. I'll be back soon I promise, I love you.' His hands moved swiftly and fluently. 'I love you.' I signed back. We were the only ones currently in the room that knew fluent sign language. He turned to leave. Ben is my best friend. I would give the world for him. I hope he's okay. We wanted to learn ASL together as a fun way to talk without bother of others. I tried to teach Tim and Brian some sign but they weren't that motivated. They knew a few signs like 'I love you' which was easy. They like to sign it to me a lot. 

Amaya's POV

I tried hard to think of a way to get out without alarming Ben. I thought I heard something behind the voices brainstorming. It sounded like a door. I stood still and tried to listen to see if I heard footsteps. I didn't hear any and brushed it off as nothing. 

Ben's POV

I began to walk quietly using my skill of not making sound when I step. I knew if the children heard me they'd hide. I really didn't have time to go and look for them as for they could go anywhere. Closely examining my surroundings, I saw small candy wrappers in a trail leading down the hall the eventually stopped near a janitors closet. These candy wrappers I assumed were from LL. I opened the janitors closet and only saw a mop, bucket and cleaning cart. No children were here. I closed the janitors closet and began once again down the hall.

Amaya's POV

I swear I heard a door once again but closer. I passed the rumor to the rest of the group. "Let's hide!" Matty whisper-yelled. We all began to scatter like the rats in Ratatouille. Tera came to me. "Can we hide together?" She asked. I quickly nodded and grabbed her hand. We began to look around. There was another hallway leading left. We went the opposite of the others as for they went right. There was a room, room 214, that was open. For a strange reason there was nobody in the room so we decided to go there and lock ourselves in, closing the door, and hoping that if there was a person that stayed here, they would not be coming back anytime soon. Still having our fingers intertwined, Tera and I searched the room. There was nothing interesting besides a butterfly plush. It was purple with yellow spots for design. Tera quickly picked it up and held it close. I felt a cold draft which made me shiver. I looked at the window and noticed the white curtains were flowing with the wind. The gentle wind swayed the curtains perfectly. They were so calming. I then saw something.. I saw a tall figure. I was shocked. I looked at Tera and noticed she saw it too. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2023 ⏰

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