A letter [1/3]

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Trigger warning: blood, semi-self harm, near death, Softieblade because we all know he has a soft spot for Ranboo 🙄🤚


Ranboo gasped, waking up. Tubbo was sat on top of them, getting ready to punch them. Tubbo was crying. Ranboo looked up at the smaller, quite alarmed.

"Tubbo? Where are we? Why are you attacking me?" Ranboo asked quickly. Tubbo stared down at them, lowering his fist.

"You... don't remember?"

"Remember what?" Ranboo pushed Tubbo back a bit and sat up. Tubbo glanced at his house. They were in Snowchester. Ranboo spotted blood in the snow. "What is that?" Ranboo asked. Tubbo glanced at the blood before standing up.

"I don't know. You came here with a bloody sword and attacked me and Micheal... We're fine though. I got you out of Micheal's room before you could hurt him but you did kill Micheal's chicken." Ranboo stared at the blood for a second. Who's blood was that? He knew he was hanging out with Phil and Techno before Sam came to him and handed him a paper, saying it was from Dream...

"Phil and Techno... I was with- Oh my god- Do you think- Tubbo, I have to go find them! I'm sorry! I'll explain later! Tell Micheal I'll get him another chicken! I'll be back I promise!" Ranboo stood up and ran off.

Please. Please be okay. They needed to be okay. Where were they last? In front of Techno's house, right? Surely they were okay. Maybe that was just Ranboo's blood because they cut themself accidentally or something. Phil and Techno were probably fine.

Ranboo ran through the nether and to the front of Techno's house. They slowed to a stop when they saw two bodies laying in the snow. Ranboo's eyes watered up. They ran towards the two bodies.

No. No. No. No. No. No. This isn't what's happening. They're fine. They're just knocked out.

Ranboo kneeled down next to Techno. He braid had been soaked with blood. The snow around him was a dark red. Ranboo rolled Techno onto his back. A large stab wound was located in the middle of Techno's torso. Techno's clothes were stained red. Ranboo quickly took their jacket off and pressed it onto Techno's wound.

This was bad. This was so bad. Why would they do this?! Why would they even read the letter Dream sent them?! Why was Dream even allowed to send letters?! This wouldn't have happened if they hadn't been so stupid and read the damn paper!

"Why'd I do this? This isn't happening... Please tell me this is just a nightmare." Ranboo sobbed. Techno grabbed onto Ranboo's wrist. Ranboo jumped, looking down at him.

"Stop crying, you're burning your face." Techno muttered. "The green bastard is always trying to make someone's life a living Hell. Just go check on Phil. I'll be alright." Ranboo nodded, letting go of their jacket. Techno let go of Ranboo and held the jacket over his wound. Ranboo crawled over to Phil. Phil just had a large gash across his chest. He must've passed out from blood loss.

"I don't know how to take care of wounds. What do I do?" Ranboo asked, looking towards Techno. Techno sat up a bit, grunting.

"Wipe my blood off your hands before you touch his wound, first of all." Ranboo looked down at their hands. Their hands had a bit of Techno's blood on them. They wiped their hands on their pants. "Now look at him and stab."

"Wh-" Ranboo started before Phil sat up and stabbed a small knife into Ranboo's eye. Ranboo yelped, backing away from Phil. They reached up towards their eye, which still had a knife in it. Techno grabbed Ranboo's arms, pulling them down. Phil crawled over to they and pulled the knife out of their eye. Ranboo screeched, trying to get out of Techno's harsh grip. Techno quickly wrapped his arms around Ranboo, pulling them close to him. Ranboo looked up at Phil, terrified. Phil stared back at them, regret written all over his face.

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