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Hello children of the corn it's been a hot second huh?

You should understand this book is really bad and there's a lot of blood and stuff like that ._.

So trigger warning: you're gonna cry or be disgusted or something idfk at this point bro/sis/sibling I'm just a sad teen writing sad fanfics because all the books that have nothing to do with a fandom either suck or I forget about them and then have no interest in continuing

Actual tigger warning or something: blood, death, Ranboo going absolutely ballistic but it's okay because it's the enderwalk, description of injuries, blah blah blah you get it right? This chapter is fucking bad


Ranboo was laying on the ground. Blood was running down the side of their face. One of his legs was bent in an unnatural shape. Their axe was laying nearby. A hand was laying on the axe, trying to pick it up. The hand belonged to a bloody and beaten Tubbo. A boot stepped onto Tubbo's wrist. Tubbo screamed in pain. Dream put more weight on the foot that was crushing Tubbo's wrist. He was holding his own axe on his shoulder while he held a beaten and bloody Tommy in his other hand. Tommy looked more beaten than the other two. He was dragging Tommy by his hair. He raised his axe up, staring down at Tubbo through his broken mask. He swung his axe down. Ranboo teleported in front of the axe and grabbed onto the handle of it.

"There you are. I missed you." Dream said, playfully. Ranboo lifted their head slightly. Their eyes glowed a soft purple. Ranboo forced Dream to take a step back. "What? Don't tell me you've grown feelings. I was in jail for what? 4 months?" Ranboo took Dream axe away and threw it to the side. Dream rolled his eyes. "You're being dramatic. Snap out of it. We have work to do. Tommy isn't even dead yet." Ranboo grabbed onto Tommy and teleported to Tubbo. They had Tommy lean on them. They hugged Tubbo. Tubbo looked up at Ranboo with a small smile.

"Thank you..." He mumbled. Ranboo stared down at him before hugging him closer to themself.

"Ranboo stop this now." Dream ordered. "You're being ridiculous."

"" Ranboo muttered. Dream froze up a bit.

"What did you just say?" Ranboo looked up at Dream.

"Frie...nds..." Ranboo muttered softly.

"How are you speaking English?! You couldn't do that before!" Dream shouted. Tubbo giggled to himself.

"You're so dumb, green boy." Tubbo mumbled. Dream looked down at the beaten teen.

"What was that brat?"

"I've been teaching them English. They usually sit with me outside or when I'm teaching Micheal English." Tubbo continued to giggle to himself. "Haven't you thought of teaching them English? I mean surely you didn't learn an entire language just to traumatize us right?" Dream took out his sword.

"Shut up!" He swung his sword down at Tubbo. Ranboo teleported out of the way. "Stop teleporting, you fucking bitch! Stay still!" He shouted at Ranboo. He yanked his mask off and threw it to the side. Ranboo teleported to a tree nearby. They leaned Tubbo up against it and gave him Tommy.

"Love..." Ranboo muttered, pointing at Tubbo. Tubbo nodded.

"Love you too." Tubbo mumbled, closing his eyes. Ranboo sat there for a moment. They put their hand over Tubbo's heart. Tubbo slowly grabbed their wrist. "I'm fine big man. Just a little tired. I might just take a nap with Tommy." Ranboo stared at Tubbo for a moment. Tubbo's hand slowly fell limp. Ranboo couldn't feel his heart beat anymore. They slowly moved their hand away from Tubbo's chest.

"Tub..." They mumbled softly. Their face started to burn from tears. They turned their head to look at Dream, who was walking over. Ranboo stood up. They teleported their axe into their hand. Dream stopped, eyes widening.

"How did you-?!" Ranboo teleported in front of Dream and swung their axe. Dream blocked it with his sword. Ranboo teleported behind Dream and swung his axe again, hitting Dream. The man screeched in agony. He collapsed. Ranboo rolled him onto his back. They got on top of him and swung his axe down. Dream grabbed onto the axe handle and pushed it away. Tears mixed with blood fell onto Dream's face. Ranboo's face had started to burn so bad, it started to bleed. Ranboo bit one of Dream's hands, causing a chunk of flesh to come off his hand. Dream screamed in pain, pulling his hand away. Ranboo raised their axe and swung it down again. The crack of Dream's skull hitting the netherite axe was sickening. Ranboo pulled the axe of of Dream's head. They swung it down again... and again... and again... and again...

Dream had stopped moving a while ago. Ranboo just kept swinging their axe down. Dream's face wasn't even recognizable at this point. It just felt so good to finally do that... They waited for so long... However, no matter how good it felt to finally see Dream dead, Ranboo's face remained expressionless. Only a few tears ran down their face down. There was so much blood on the axe. Ranboo raised the axe again. Someone grabbed onto the handle. Ranboo looked up. Techno was standing there, holding onto the axe.

"That's enough, Ranboo. He's dead." Ranboo's eyes returned to their normal red and green. Techno took their axe. Ranboo's arms fell limp. Techno kneeled down. Ranboo leaned onto Techno and passed out. Techno pulled Ranboo close to himself. "You did good, kid..." He mumbled, looking over at the other two teenagers. Phil was over there. He was checking Tubbo and Tommy's pulses. Phil looked over at Techno and nodded. Techno sighed with relief.

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