A letter [2/3]

804 43 35

Trigger warning: mention of injuries, mention of blood, violence, Techno slapping Tubbo because lmao


Tubbo combed his fingers through Micheal's hair. Micheal had bandages on his arm. He was asleep. A knock came from the door downstairs. Tubbo looked up. He stood up and looked out open of the windows. Techno was standing there. Techno looked up at Tubbo. Tubbo jumped and backed away from the window. He looked down at Micheal. He started to panic.

Why was he here? Where was Ranboo? It's been 2 days! Did he kill Ranboo?

"Tubbo! Come open your door! I don't wanna stand out here much longer!" Techno shouted. Tubbo quickly went down the ladder. He glanced at the ladder before hurrying over to the door and opening it. Techno pushed passed Tubbo and leaned against the wall. He sighed quietly, holding his wound. He slid down the wall. Tubbo closed the door and kneeled down next to Techno.

"Are you alright? What's going on? Did Ranboo freak out again?" Techno shook his head. "Why do you look like you're in pain then?"

"You live really far from me, Tubbo. I walked here. Give me a second..." He mumbled. Tubbo stared at Techno for a bit before moving his hand. Blood was seeping through Techno's shirt. Techno leaned his head back and closed his eyes.

"Give me a second. I think I have a first aid kit around here somewhere." Tubbo stood up. He went over to the ladder and climbed down to where all his chests were. He searched his chests a bit before finding what he needed. He climbed back up and hurried over to Techno. He kneeled down again and tapped Techno. He hummed him response. "Am I allowed to fix your wound? I don't want you suddenly stabbing me." Techno nodded. Tubbo opened his first aid kit and took out a needle and thread. He closed the first aid kit and set the items on top. He unbuttoned Techno's shirt and stared at the bloody bandages. Tubbo rolled his eyes before turning back to the first aid kit and opened it, taking the items off of the top first. He pulled out scissors. He closed the kit again. Tubbo grabbed onto the bandages and started cutting them.

"If you make my wound worse, I might just take you up on that offer and stab you." Techno mumbled.

"I'm not gonna make it worse. I used to stitch Tommy's wounds up all the time. I stitch my own wounds up too." Tubbo pulled the bandages off and put them to the side. He pulled the thread to a good length before cutting it. He put the thread through the needle and tied it. Tubbo started stitching Techno's wound closed.

"Dad?" Micheal asked, standing near the ladder. Tubbo looked over. Techno opened his eyes and looked at the kid as well.

"Micheal, go back to bed." He looked at Techno's wound again.

"Is he the one in Papa's picture? Why's he hurt?" Micheal asked quietly.

"Since when did you have a son?" Techno asked, glanced at Tubbo.

"A while." Micheal walked over to Techno and sat down. He held up a bunny plushie.

"Bunny will make you feel better." Techno hummed.

"Thank you, Bunny. I feel much better." Micheal smiled at Techno. Tubbo glanced between Techno and Micheal. Techno yelped. Tubbo looked back down at the wound.

"Sorry." Tubbo finished stitching the wound. He put the needle and thread away and got out a bandage. He put the bandage onto the wound. "There. You're all good now." Techno nodded. He buttoned his shirt back up and leaned his head back again.

"The reason why I came here was because Ranboo's been asking for you. They got... injured badly to say the least." Techno explained. Micheal tilted his head.

"Papa's hurt?" Techno looked at Micheal.


"Ender dad." Micheal said happily. Techno narrowed his eyes down at him. Tubbo picked up Micheal, awkwardly laughing.

"I think it's time you go back to bed, Micheal. It's past your nap time. I'll be back down in a minute, Techno." Tubbo climbed up the ladder as Micheal waved at Techno.

Why didn't Ranboo tell him they had a son? A zombie piglin son to be exact.

Techno stood up as Tubbo climbed back down the ladder. He walked over and grabbed Tubbo by his jacket. He pushed him against the wall and held a sword up to his neck.

"When did you and Ranboo get a fucking son?" Techno asked, sounding a bit upset.

"I told you. A while ago. Let go of me." Tubbo tried to push the blade away from his neck.

"So then what are you and Ranboo?"

"We're married."

"Married..." Techno repeated quietly. He let go of Tubbo and put his sword away. He sighed quietly and rubbed his eyes. "So you have a piglin son, who can speak English but not piglin for whatever reason, and Ranboo is his other parent?"

"Oh no. He can speak piglin. I've been teaching him English. Pretty good huh?" Tubbo crossed his arms, smirking.

"Yeah, whatever. Let's go see Ranboo now. I have to process how two idiots like you guys have a piglin son and it's not dead yet."

"He's not dead yet because we take good care of him and only a few people are allowed to visit him."

"So he doesn't even have a social life?"

"He does! Just... You know how people on this server can be... I didn't even trust Tommy to go up there to meet him. I don't want Micheal to get hurt..." Tubbo mumbled, his walk slowing to a stop. "I already feel like I failed that though because Ranboo hurt him." Techno stopped walking and turned to look at Tubbo. "I have nukes to protect him and myself but I also made them to protect Ranboo and Tommy. Tommy died and Ranboo hurt Micheal and tried to hurt me." Tubbo started to cry. "So if Micheal gets hurt again while I can't do anything to stop it, I've failed as a parent to him and a friend to Tommy and Ranboo. I couldn't even run a nation with only a few citizens in it. I exiled my best friend because of Dream and George. Ranboo probably would've been exiled too if it wasn't for his memory problems! I let people push me, the President, around! Big Q made the butcher army when I just wanted peace. You weren't even hurting anyone at that point!" Tubbo wiped his eyes with his sleeves. "L'Manburg is gone because of me..." Techno slapped Tubbo.

"Shut up." Techno ordered. Tubbo looked up at him.


"Shut up. You're being dumb. You have fucking nukes, Tubbo. Fucking nuke the places you don't like with the people you don't like in it. L'Manburg was the past." Techno shrugged.

"If I were to do that-"

"All your problems would be gone."

"But if I nuke the prison-"

"Sam will probably die too so no need to worry about that." Techno turned and kept walking. "Let's go. Ranboo been begging for you for 2 days. I don't want to listen to them anymore."


Might give this a part three I haven't decided lmao

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