Prison Break [1/2]

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Trigger warning: death and Micheal technically gets kidnapped lmao

The beginning is from a child's point of view so lmao

Papa is Ranboo and Dad is Tubbo


Micheal held his chicken, watching Tubbo and Ranboo. It looked like they were playing some kind of game. Papa and Dad were sitting on the floor. Papa was leaning up against the wall with red stuff on his face. Dad had water coming from his eyes. Papa kept repeating uncle Tommy's name. They were both wearing armor and had swords.

"So this is Micheal, right?" Micheal was picked up from behind. Dad turned.

"Get your hands off my son!" He shouted. "Wilbur, please!" Wilbur turned Micheal around to face him.

"Well, aren't you cute." Wilbur smiled. Micheal heard his papa scream. He started to turn his head. "Hey Micheal?" Micheal looked at Wilbur again.

"Did you know I'm Tommy's brother? You know Tommy right?" Micheal nodded.

"So you're my uncle too?" Uncle Wilbur hummed, nodding his head.

"Your dads want me to take you for a little while. They have to go away for a very long time."

"Where are they going?"

"Somewhere six feet below."

"Below what?"

"I don't know. They didn't specify." Uncle Wilbur glanced down at where Dad and Papa were. "Close your eyes for a little bit and take a nap. We're going to be walking for a little while." Micheal nodded and hugged his chicken. He closed his eyes and fell asleep while Uncle Wilbur walked out of the house. A loud explosion went off behind them.

"Give me the kid." Dream ordered, standing in front of Wilbur. Wilbur shook his head and shifted Micheal a bit. "Wilbur-"

"I still have to pretend with Phil and Techno, remember? I have a plan. Just let me handle it." Dream rolled his eyes.



Wilbur ran towards Phil and Techno's house. Micheal was still asleep. Though, his chicken was gone. The side of Wilbur's head was bleeding.

"Phil?! Techno?!" Wilbur shouted, his voice breaking. Phil ran out of his house and over to Wilbur.

"Wilbur, what happened?! Why do you have Micheal?!"

"He killed them. Tubbo told me to take Micheal and run." Wilbur started to cry. "He killed Tommy and Tubbo."

"Where's Ranboo? Is he hurt as well?" Wilbur rolled his eyes at the mention of Ranboo. Phil didn't seem to notice. He was paying attention to Micheal.

"I don't know." Phil looked up at Wilbur.

"I'll go check his house. Bring Micheal inside." Phil turned but Wilbur grabbed his arm.

"Wait. I need you to make sure Micheal is alright. I'll check his house." Phil nodded slowly and took Micheal.


Tubbo groaned quietly, opening his eyes. Ranboo was on top of him, unconscious. Tubbo looked down at his health bar. Half a heart... Tubbo tried to push Ranboo off a him, yelping when a sharp pain came from his side. Tubbo looked down. A sword went through Tubbo's side and went through Ranboo's stomach. Tubbo bit his lip and pushed Ranboo off. Tears pricked the corner of his eyes. They were under a bunch of rumble. Dream must've set off a bunch of TNT.

"Ranboo..?" Tubbo mumbled, shaking them. Ranboo didn't respond. Tubbo laid his head back with a small sigh. He sat there for a while. Was Micheal still alive? He hoped so... Wilbur wouldn't kill a kid, would he?

Ranboo grabbed onto Tubbo. Tubbo looked at them. His eyes were glowing a soft purple. Tubbo crawled over and hugged them. Ranboo wrapped an arm around him. They teleported them both out of the rumble. Tubbo sat up and looked down at Ranboo.

"Thank you." Ranboo nodded, closing their eyes. "Big man?" Tubbo asked. Ranboo turned his head towards Tubbo. "Are you gonna be alright?" Ranboo nodded again. "Are you in the enderwalk because of the pain or..?" He nodded. "Okay... Well... Do you mind if I take this sword out real quick?" Ranboo sat up and grabbed onto the handle of the sword. They yanked the sword out and threw it to the side. "Or you could do it yourself..."

"Tub... bo..." Ranboo muttered. Their eyes started to turn back to normal.


"Tommy... still... hurt..."

"I know. Let's get you some help first. I'm not as injured. I should be fine." Tubbo glanced down at his wound before typing in chat.

You whispered to Ph1LzA: come to Snowchester please...

Ranboo angst (MCYT)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon