It's all about ✨emphasis✨

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I didn't steal your shoes.


I didn't steal your shoes.

I didn't steal your shoes.


Bob did.

I didn't steal your shoes.


Honestly, I really didn't.

I didn't steal your shoes.


I borrowed them.

I didn't steal your shoes.


I stole Jeffrey's.

I didn't steal your shoes.


I stole your socks.

Be careful with your words, and use emphasis correctly when needed!

𝐎ⓝ𝑒  卂Ň𝐝  𝓐  ђⓐ𝕝Ŧ cⓤⓅs  𝑜ⓕ 𝓕𝐑e丂Ĥ  Ⓡ𝐚N𝒹๏𝓜ή𝐄𝐒丂Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin