Chapter 1

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(Natashas pov)

I woke up suddenly having just had a nightmare
"Are you ok Nat"
Yh Bruce I'm fine I'm just gonna get up I won't be able to get back to sleep now"
"Ok" (kisses softly)
(Kisses back then get out of bed and changes into some black shorts and a blood red t-shirt)
Leaves her room and goes to the kitchen to make a smoothie. As she is blending it somone comes up behind her
(Natasha jumps) "shit Steve you scared me"
I don't know why but looking into his big blue eyes gave me butterflies
"Sorry nat(laughs)"
(Playfully hits him) "you should be"
"Anyway I was just headed down to the training room if you wanted to join me?"
"(Sighs) sure"
They head down to the training room joking and talking.
"Ok Nat why don't you try and take me down( enters the boxing ring)"
"(Scoffs) that will be a piece of cake Rogers"
They start fighting and within two minutes, I have Steve pinned to they floor with me sitting on his torso.
We both lay there panting for a minute
"What the hell r u guys doing"
"Bruce relax we were just fighting each-other and I let Nat win"
(Playfully hits Steve) "no u didn't"
"Anyway u better get up to the living area cause tony is about to give a briefing"
Bruce leaves the room
"Does he always get that jealous that easy"
"Yh it's really annoying" (I get off Steve)
We both head up to the living area
"Jesus u guys look sweaty"
"Shut up tony me and Nat were exercising which is something u have yet to achieve"
(Everyone laughs including tony)
Wanda speaks up "so what is so important about what you have to say that we have to be up before 10?"
"Well I am hosting a partyyyy tonight"
(Everyone groans)
"Again come on stark what is this, your 5th one this week"
"Actually its my 4th Clint" (tony rolls his eyes)
"Come on it will be fun"
"Fine" (they all say in unison)

Hi guys this is my first story I hope you enjoyed it I will be uploading every day. Please can you leave constructive criticism in the comments :))

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