Chapter 9

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It had been three days since they had arrived. Natashas and Steve had already been in one "mini mission" to track down the location of the smugglers.they were all in the pool, Steve and Sam in swimming trunks and Natasha and Sharon in bikinis. Steve and Sharon were in the shallow end, Steve was standing and Sharon had her legs around his waist and they were kissing.Natasha and Sam were swimming around at the other end of the pool. It was late at night so they were the only people there.
"I'm gonna get you nat"Sam shouted, swimming after Natasha
"Ha you can try" said Natasha speeding away from him

She was looking back at him and didn't notice that she had swam straight into Steve and Sharon.they broke apart and Steve let go of sharon.
"Sorry guys"said Natasha
"It's fine" they both said
Sam looked at his watch
"We better be getting back now, tomorrow is our big mission"
They all walked out the pool, Natasha and Steve holding hands and Sharon and Sam imitating them.they did this because they were undercover as married couples and didn't want to be suspicious.
(In Steve and natashas room"
Steve lay shirtless in bed trying to solve a Rubik's cube while  Natasha was sorting out her guns.once she had finished she went over to the bed and lay down on her side.
"Gimme that Rogers"
Steve gave Natasha the cube. She solved it in 19 secs.
"Damn romanoff showing me up are you"
Natasha blushed.Steve felt his insides squirm, he knows he shouldn't be feeling like this but he can't help it. He gazes into Natasha eyes and she gazes back.suddenly he kisses her.she kiss back and he pulls her ontop of him. They make out for about 3 minutes before Natasha pulls away.
"What about Sharon, you like her not me"
"I don't know, ever since that kiss I've been feeling something"
Natasha got up and walked out into the balcony.this couldn't be happening, she really liked Steve but she didn't deserve him. He was happy with Sharon. Natasha felt like she never deserved to be happy after what happens to her in the red room, after she killed all those people....

Hi guys sorry this chapter is short but I'm gonna try and write a really long one tomorrow. Thanks to everyone who had commented and voted xx

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