Chapter 4

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(Carrying on)

Sam came out of his room wearing a tank top and shorts. Natasha had to admit that he looked hot.
"Damn Wilson"
Sam blushed "come on let's go Romanoff"
They go to the training room that tony had made for the avengers.
"Wanna try and take me down Wilson"
Natasha said as she walked into the ring
"Oh you are gonna get destroyed Natasha"
Sam enters the ring and they start to fight.Natasha ducks one of sams punches and grabs his arm and pulls him to the floor. She straddles him and laughs.
"Ugh why do you have to be so good(chuckling)"
Natasha sees steve walk in. She leans down and kisses Sam.he kisses back and sits up so she is sitting on his lap with her legs around his waist.
"Uh hey guys"
Do they like eachother, Steve thought.
Natasha and Sam broke apart.
"Oh hey Rogers"
"Hey Nat mind if I talk to u outside for a moment?"
Natasha kisses sam one more time then rises and follows Steve outside the room.

Damn I can't believe Natasha kissed me, Sam thought.

"What was that romanoff?"
Natasha rolled her eyes.
"What was what?"
"You kissed me last night then you go and kiss him I thought you liked me"
Why would u think that, thought Natasha.
" sorry Steve I don't I was just drunk"
"Why did you kiss me back(Natasha said chuckling)"
"And don't say you were drunk because we both know you can't get drunk"
"Whatever, see you around nat"
"Bye Rogers"
Steve walked off looking a bit pissed and Natasha walked back into the gym.
"Hey again romanoff"
Sam said flirtatiously as he walked towards her.
"So if you don't mind me asking, what was that kiss about?"
"Can I not just enjoy a kiss with somone I like"
"You like me"
Natasha kissed him softly
"What does it look like"
"Are you sure you aren't just using me to get with steve because I like Sharon sorry"
"You do, great"
"Because then we can pretend to be together to break them apart"
"But I don't want to make them unhappy, if they want to be together they can"
"True, are you in or not"
"Yeah sure, so you like Steve?"
"No we just kissed and it annoys me how he used me like that because I was drunk and upset"
"Oh ok, that's kinda why u wanna get back at Sharon and Steve because I liked her and she liked me then Steve can along and stole her from me and she chose him over me"
"Well this is our chance to get them back"
They walk out the gym hand in hand to the living area.
Now with Steve.he walked over to Sharon's door. Why was he annoyed that Natasha didn't like him, ugh he was so annoyed with her but he also kinda liked her. He knocked.
Sharon opened the door
"Hey Steve"
"Hey Sharon I'm rlly sorry about yester-"
She kissed him.the kiss went on for about a minute then they broke apart.
"I'm guessing you forgive me (he chuckled)"
"Mhm, now do u wanna head down to the living area so you can make me some pancakes?"
"How could I refuse"
They walk to the living area with Steve's arm around Sharon's shoulder and her arm around his waist

Hi guys thanks for reading, I'm gonna be posting a new chapter really soon so make sure you read it and please can you vote if you liked it and comment some feedback or ideas for the future. I'm gonna do everything you comment

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