Chapter 3

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(Carrying on)
Steve is surprised but kisses back.they continue for a second before Natasha pulls away.
"Sorry I shouldn't have done that, u r with Sharon"
Steve looks embarrassed but he doesn't regret the kiss.
"Maybe I should go, will you be alright here on your own"
"Yh I'll be fine, it was a mistake Steve I'm drunk just foreget about it"
Steve's nods and walks out the room.why couldn't he get that kiss off his mind. He liked sharon right?
"Steve are you ok?"
"Oh hey Sam, I'm good thanks"
"Ok, Sharon has been looking for you, she is in her room"
Sam walks away and Steve heads for Sharon's room. He knocks on the door and she answers.
"Hey steve where were you?"
"Hey, I was just with Natasha"
"It's no big deal I was just comforting her"
"Oh I-"
"Look Steve I can't deal with this right now just come and talk to me In the morning I'm really tired"
"Yeah ok we aren't over right?"
"No as long as you haven't betrayed me, I can trust you right"
"Of course"
Steve smiled weakly at her then turned around and headed to his room.he walked in and soon fell asleep.

Natasha woke up suddenly, she had just had a nightmare. Why didn't they stop. She got up, put on some gym wear and headed out to the gym. As she passed Steve's room she remembered.
Why did she kiss him. Why couldn't she just keep her feelings to herself. Suddenly a door opened.
"Hey Natasha was that you shouting?"
"Yeah sorry Sam I just- forgot my water"
"Ok" he said chuckling
"I was just about to head to the gym to train, wanna join me?"
"Yeah why not gimme a sec"
He went back into his room to get changed.Natasha suddenly had an idea. To make sure that Steve thought that she didn't have feelings for him and to make him jealous, she would pretend to be with Sam, or at least flirt with him. She didn't want to hurt Sam though.maybe she would actually get feelings for him? It was worth a try.
It would also make Bruce jealous!!

Hi guys thanks for reading sorry I haven't been posting it's just school but I'm gonna try and post everyday and sometimes maybe twice a day!

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