Being Real Comes With A Price

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I wasn't in the mood to go home. I just didn't feel like it, so I decided to head over to Starbucks a little early. Before I went in, though, I went to check out the new music store they had nearby. As I walked in, the strong scent of air freshener kicked in. I felt my goosebumps rise from the temperature of the store. It was much colder inside than outside. I looked around. There was a lot of color in this store. Everything was big and bold. Across the room, I saw the name Jimi Hendrix, and I instantly walked over. I got really caught up in one CD, and when I looked at the price on the back, my jaw almost fell to the ground.

"Ninety- five cents?" I exclaimed, shocked.

"Yup. Nobody really listens to that shit." a male voice replied. I looked across the store to see the man at the counter looking towards me.

"Oh wow." was my stupid reply. I was dumbfounded. Right away, I pulled out my wallet and checked how much money I had. Five bucks. And that was my coffee money. I stood there, deciding whether or not I should by this disc. I really wanted it, but I also really wanted coffee. Besides, knowing I'd be spending my time with Jacob meaning I'd definitely need that coffee. As I thought of the agonizing time i'd be spending with the fool, I caught a green Lambourghini pull up out of the corner of my eye. I stared at it in shock. I'd never seen one like that in person before. It was really nice, so, being the huge sports car fan that I am, I put down the CD and walked over to the door. I just stared in awe. It had bright and shiny rims, personalized tires, and the color was just screaming "Wow!". That shade of green, which happened to be my favorite color, really accented the whole car. I couldn't keep my eyes away. Of course, I tried not to be too visible, otherwise I'd look like a creep staring at someone's car like that. Well, that's what I thought until I realized that the driver of the car was The Creep himself.

My jaw almost fell to the floor when I saw the afro-headed boy come out of the car. Jacob friken Perez. He looked around the place, glancing my way at one point, so I hid behind a shelf of CDs. I watched as he hit a button on his remote and the car beeped twice, locking. Jacob walked into Starbucks, fluffing his poofy fro. I came out of my hiding spot, going back to the Hendrix section. Just then, my phone rang.

He's the one,

Who likes all those pretty songs,

And he likes to sing along,

And he likes to shoot his gun

I let Nirvana sing a little until I decided I needed to get the phone.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Yeah, Aseel. It's Jacob. I'm at Starbucks. Uh, where the fuck are you?" Jacob replied into the phone.

"I'm next door, I'll be there in a second." I told him before hanging up.

Quickly, I took the Jimi Hendrix CD and paid for it at the counter. Taking the CD with me, I rushed next door to meet Jacob.

The first thing I noticed when I walked into Starbucks was the amount of people there. It was insanely crowded. I saw Jacob standing in the corner with an irritated look on his face. I took a deep breath and walked over to him. Right away, he started yelling at my face.

"What the fuck is this, why did you choose this place?" he hollered.

"Wha- what do you mean?" I asked, stupidly.

"Oh, well, y'know, maybe it's the fact that, one, we can't get seats. Two, we can't do our work. And three, we CAN'T DO OUR FUCKING WORK!" he shouted.  I was really surprised that, even though he was shouting, he could barely be heard over the amount of people talking in the shop.

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