The "New" Girl

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School came back around the next day and I woke up early, with May still asleep. Meanwhile, I got ready for school, constantly stopping in front of the mirror admiring my new look.

Sweet, straight, honey colored locks hang loose off my head, resting just above my belly button. This was hard to get used to as opposed to my black ringlets, curling up so much that my ends rested at my chest.

My clothing was also different too, but not drastically.

"C'mon, you HAVE to try wearing a skirt at some point! Plus you SO have to the legs to rock it." May swore, accenting certain words.

She spent a good amount of her time trying to persuade me, but I wasn't going to change my personality, too. It was bad enough I agreed to go along with the whole makeover idea.

For that reason, I stood in front of the mirror with some newsprint leggings and Jordans on, but as a compromise, I wore a tight cropped shirt, black, to match the newsprint leggings. I wore the hoop earrings and put on a little lipgloss. I looked to the bed. May was still asleep.

"Oh well, I guess I'll show her later." I barely mumbled to myself.

I grabbed my thick coat and went outside, bracing myself for the cold air. I automatically regretted the crop top.

Once I reached the school, I held my head up high and walked in. I felt eyes watching me. Staring. I decided to do what May told me to do- flaunt it. I flipped my hair and walked over to my locker, taking off my coat and placing it in. I could hear people whispering about my outfit. It wasn't anything new to me, though. People always used to talk about my sense of style.

I could feel all the guys staring at my ass. I almost laughed out loud at this. This school hardly has any girls with an ass, and I could feel the jealousy and envy in the air.

I thanked god for my East African genes right there.

"Look who finally decided to dress themselves," Kassie scoffed, talking to her friends, about me, clearly. She raised her voice so that I would be able to hear her.

"but she still looks a mess."

I turned to look at her. "Damn, Kassie," I started, "it must be hard to try so hard everyday and still have someone come out looking 10 times better than you."

"Trying hard? This is how I natrually look. Your blonde weave and tight ass clothes is trying hard." she threw back, getting all up in my face.

I laughed. "It's funny cause you wear ten pounds of makeup everyday, tight shirts, and yoga pants and, let me tell you, that ass is struggling!" I called out. A crowd of people, suddenly appearing out of nowhere, started 'oooh'ing and shouting at my response.

I waited as Kassie tried to think of something more clever but pack wars weren't something to happen at this school often so she was having a hard time. I turned around and walked away, making my way to class.

I sat in my first period class, making note of the date on the board.

February 6th.

"Students, as you may have noticed, the fieldtrip to New York is in ten days. I hope you are preparing yourselves." Mr. Thomas said, pulling out a stack of papers. "Jacob," Mr. Thomas ordered, handing the papers to Jacob, "could you please pass these out to the appropriate people. They all have labels with the names on them."

Jacob nodded and started passing the papers out. Several papers were passed out and I was worried for a moment that I wouldnt get mine. The paper had my ticket to get on the coach bus to New York. It also had the itinerary and other important papers. If I didn't get it, I wouldn't be able to go.

I watched at Jacob passed the papers out. He walked over to Kassie's desk and placed the paper in her hand. She bit her lip seductively. "Thank you, Jakey." she cooed. Jacob smiled at her.

I almost puked right then and there.

I began to get more and more nervous, but eventually, Jacob looked at one of the papers, and looked over my way. He dropped the paper on my desk, laughing to himself.

"Nice look." he whispered to me, sarcastically.

"Go fuck yourself." I whispered back.


I came home later that day, only to have May drive me over to the nearby coffee shop, even before I had the chance to change. We walked into the shop and heads turned to look at us. Not just at May, though. They looked at me too. That should've made my self-esteem go up just a little, but I still felt like this makeover was a mistake.

"You look drop dead gorgeous! The guys at school had to be gawking over you!" May said, taking sips from her cappucino.

"They were," I replied, uneasily.

"What did Jacob say?" she winked.

"Fuck what he said. He's irrelevant." I threw back at her, licking some whipped cream off my straw.

The whole day, "Nice look." repeated in my head, making me feel self concious. I got really pissed because I knew for a fact that I dont give half a shit what Jacob thinks. Why did I care now?


A/N- Im so sorry. I haven't updated in the longest. I just wanna thank all my readers. You guys are the best. You are my motivators ! Keep showing the love by




Messaging me

and reading my other stories!

I love you guys

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