Skeletons Promotion

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Author's Note

I know that you guys hate me for jumping from story to story and constantly writing new stories but I can't help it. Whenever I have a new idea, I have to publish it on here.

That usually makes me lose the hype for older stories.

Unfortunately, the cycle is repeating, but fortunately, I have another really good story up for you guys.

"Skeletons" (title subject to change) is a story about an imperfect girl who makes a fatal mistake that seems to ruin things for her. When she is in a state of desperation, she runs to a group of friends that have a darker reputation. Gang members. Luckily, the main character finds exactly what she needs with the help of her gang friends and is able to live a new life, exactly how she's dreamed. But how long can she live hiding her old life? And what issues and dramas will she run into when she jumps back into the thrilling world that is high school.

If you want a story full of romance, drama, gang affiliation, thrill, Mindless Behavior (and other familiar celebrity characters) and a little violence, then go and check out my new story, "Skeletons" here on Wattpad!

Please check it out! I promise it will be worth your time.

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