Out of her mind

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"So, Aseel, it was recommended from some teachers that I have a session with you." Ms. Katherine explained.

I sat there, slouching on the seat, trying to make it a point that I don't care. Ms. Katherine was the school guidance counselor. The way she explained it, teachers felt that I needed "guidance", or in other words "mental therapy". To all the people at this school, I just seemed like the loser chick with anger problems that had serious mental issues. To me, and people who actually knew me, I was just different. Of course, not many people wanted to try and get to know the girl who gave a similar first impression that an insane person would.

"You recently skipped about two weeks of school, have not been paying much attention in class, and have been starting fights with other students." Mr. Katherine read off a list. I sat there, staring blankly at her.
"This leads me to ask a certain question, and I need a complete, honest answer." she continued. "Are you or have you been using drugs, Aseel?"
I narrowed my eyes at her. "No." I spat, my voice completely monotone. I didn't move an inch. She looked me deep in the eyes for something that might say otherwise. I stared back at her, trying to send the point that I'm being honest.

"Unfortunately, I have no way of telling if you're telling the truth, so after this session, I'm going to need to send you to the nurse's office. Alright?" she spoke in a calm, but strict, tone. I just continued staring blankly.

"Now, assuming there are no drugs involved, I want you to explain the following actions, if you can. This will be kept personal, but we need the complete truth. If we find there are any untruths, we will have to get school authorities involved, and according to what I see here, I don't think that would be in your favor." she warned.

"Now, it says here that you missed two weeks of school, and the reason was never explained. Quite a lot of work was missed during these two weeks. Is there a reason for this?" Ms. Katherine pondered, lowering her glasses on the bridge of her nose.

I raised an eyebrow at her. "I was hit by a car." I said, matter-of-factly. "And I'm pretty sure the school already had this information.
"Yes, that is true," Ms. Katherine replied, looking through her records. "But it says here that you were released from the hospital the Saturday before these two weeks."

"But I was hit by a car." I repeated, utterly annoyed by the accusing tone of hers. "I needed some time off. Even though I was out of the hospital, I still wasn't feeling well enough to go to school."

Ms. Katherine scribbled something out and then looked back at her stupid list.

"Some students have been complaining that you were taunting them, being rude, and saying inappropriate things to them." Ms. Katherine continued. My face went blank. Unbelievable. I thought to myself.

"Are these the same kids that call me "The Terrorist", "Psycho", and "Ass-Eel"?" I asked her. She pulled her glasses off. I had a feeling in my gut that she was going to question whether I get bullied or not and spend weeks trying to help me.

But no.

"Aseel, you cannot taunt the other students, even if they make fun of you, which I highly doubt. By the looks of this, it seems you've been starting all of the fights." Ms. Katherine accused.

"When would I have time to start fights? As I have repeated before, I was hit BY A CAR!"

"Ms. Ali, please. Calm down. We don't want a repeat of your first two years, now do we?"

Immediately, I shut up, but sorrow filled me. I tried my hardest not to show it, but she just struck me down deep.

The rest of the session, I answered her stupid questions and did exactly as she said. Finally, the bell ring and there was only one more thing to do.

"I need you to now go to the nurse's office. She'll know what to do." Ms. Katherine ordered. Without replying, I got up and did as I was told, still hurt about her comment from before.
I never wanted to remember those first two years, and I never thought that anyone would use them against me like that.

The nurse's office was covered in white. White walls, white seats, white desks, everything. It was blinding. The school nurse walked into the room, also dressed in white. She ordered me to sit down, closing the door behind her. I sat, obediently, but in my head I was ripping everyone's heads off.


I sat in a office full of teachers and other adults that I didn't recognize. They spoke on and on, but I couldn't catch a single word of it. I held my pen in my hand, trying to find the words that I didn't understand and quickly try to scribble them down so I could study them later.


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