An Unfavorable Favor

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Jacob's car finally stopped at an old brick building. There were no windows, no doors. Just mold and brick. I observed it, wondering why the hell we were here.

"What the-" I started to question. "Just follow me. 'Kay?" Jacob interrupted. Somewhat scared, I shut up and did as I was told. This place looked like the perfect place for a crime and I had no idea what was about to happen. Jacob walked towards the building, and then made a turn, walking us right into an alley.

The alley was dark, and wreaked of trash and dead animals. I screeched when I saw a fat, grey rat run past my leg. Jacob quietly observed the place. His face was quiet and peaceful, almost expressionless. He stopped.

"Jacob why did you bring me here?!" I complained, his shushing interrupting me. "We need to be quiet." he ordered. Just as I was about to ask why, a door swung right open, revealing a big black man standing in between us. I sucked in my breath, suddenly more scared then ever. The door was also brick, blending in with the wall. Almost invisible. I began to question even more why I would ever even considering coming with Jacob to this freak fest. I guess I was right to question because right after, I really did walk into a freak fest.

The big man lead us into the dark room. Well, at first I thought it was a room, but it turned out to be a long, never ending hallway. After what felt like half an hour of walking down the hallway, I began to hear sounds. Not scary, ghoulish sounds, but music. Very distant. First the bass, then the guitar. It all began to string together into music. We walked in the direction of the music. It was weird, but I think the music began to comfort me. Similar to how lullabies comfort babies, but instead of becoming sleepy, I was becoming anxious. I was curious to see what all of this was.

The hallway was so dark I could barely tell where the big man and Jacob were, I just knew by their footsteps. As the music got louder, I had to really focus to hear the footsteps. Suddenly, the music got so loud and the footsteps stopped. I wanted to call out Jacob's name, but right before I did, another door swung open, catching me off guard. This time, instead of a person standing at the door, we could see lights and people dancing. We'd walked into what seems like a party. Like some sort of secret club. There were lights and a huge dancefloor. The place looked amazing, I couldn't focus on one thing.

"Stay here." Jacob whispered in my ear. He left before I could even ask where he was going. Note to self- be faster. I told myself after the millionth time things have caught me by surprise.

I considered walking to a table and sitting down and grabbing a drink, but Jacob said I had to stay in one place. This place was seriously sketchy. This whole situation was sketchy. Maybe it was the long stay away from people that made me forget how to interact with crazy people. If they ask you to do something stupid- SAY NO. I definetly needed to remember that.

I found a table and sat in my own state of mind. I pulled out my phone. 6:09 pm. 1 missed call from Mama. I quickly texted her, letting her know that I was working on the project with Jacob and I should be home soon. It wasn't a complete lie. It just wasn't the complete truth.

Just as I shoved my phone in my pocket, two guys appeared in front of me. "Wassup purdy mamacita?" the taller one slurred. "You lookin for a good time?"

My eyes must've widened because the other one soon added, "You don't need to be scared, chiquita. I got you." he growled.

I began to get up and move when the tall one grabbed my arm. I let out an angry shriek. His cold hand startled me, making my reflexes fight back. I quickly threw my fist back, punching him in the face.

"Oh crap." I wanted to apologize, but held my tongue back. The other guy started to come at me, grabbing me by the waist. He held my arms back with one hand, and felt my neck down with the other. I was stuck. I quickly kicked my leg back, kicking him in the balls. Hard. He let go of me, and fell over, onto the brightly colored floor. Just as I found myself safe, the two boys got up and attacked me, both at once. My heartbeat quickened and my palms got sweaty. Fear. Fear that I was about to be raped.

Just as the fools were about to knock me out with one quick punch to the face, a bottle flew, smashing them down both at once. They dropped me, and I quickly crawled out of their reach. I looked back to see what kind of state they were in, but a hand came from behind and snatched me away. I swung my head around, only to see it was Jacob, and we were running straight out of the party, through the long and dark hallway, and out of this insane place. We ran faster, faster, and faster until it felt like my feet weren't touching the floor. Loud screams, hollers, and sounds of bottles breaking filled the air the whole way through. We ran faster. More screams. Faster. More bottles breaking.

Finally, we made it to the door and we ran out to the truck. Jacob unlocked the truck, and still silent, we jumped into the truck. Jacob put the car into gear and drove as fast as he could, out of the parking lot of this place. Through the rear view mirror, I could see the building, that we just came out of, on fire. The fire only got bigger and bigger, until it was visibly about to devour the place up. I looked at Jacob with wide, frightened eyes.

"What. The. Hell?!?" I practically screamed. His expression was almost close to mine, under his dark shades. I rested my head in the palms of my hands and I tried to think over what just happened.

This, I thought to myself, is why I HATE people.


A/N- Remember, if you guys like the story, tell your people to read it. People who shoutout my story, get a shoutout and possible part in a story of your choice. So remember, tell your friends, tell your cousins, siblings, neighbors, neighbors' cousins, neighbors' friends, your pets, your parents, your grandparents, your aunt and uncles, your teachers, ANYBODY. EVERYBODY. Let this story be heard and I promise it will get better. Remember, shoutout for shoutout. Love y'all.

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