Y/N's Birthday, Diary and Heartbreak

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It had been a couple of days since valentine's day and I still could not figure out who was my secret admirer. I sat in the common room reading my charms book when a pair of hands covered my eyes.

"Morning Mione." I said.

"How did you know it was me? you didn't read my mind did you?" She asked.

"No, I just knew it was you." I said as she sat next to me.

"Anyway, Happy Birthday Y/N." Hermione said with a hug.

Hermione handed me a box that I opened to reveal had a black leather bracelet with a metal strip in the middle of it and written in it in the middle it had a message.

Do not forget your amazing.

"Hermione this is really incredible thank you" I said as I hugged her and gave her a kiss on her cheek while I placed it on my wrist.

Moments later Ron and Harry came down the stairs.

"Morning mate Happy Birthday." They both said handing me their gifts.

I had got some quidditch gloves from Harry and Ron had given me a broom servicing kit which I was grateful for on both accounts Professor Dumbledore wished me a happy birthday as well that morning at breakfast and Hagrid had gotten me a book on magical creatures. We went about the day attending our classes as per normal. As night came, I could not sleep I was still trying to figure out who my secret admirer was and who the heir of Slytherin was. I lay in bed still trying to figure it out before Bella interrupted my thoughts.

"Hey Bella, I'm okay don't worry." I said while scratching her behind the ear.

Bella looked at me with eyes of worry.

"I am sure Bella don't worry." I said as she nuzzled her face against mine before jumping off the bed and going for a stroll. As I gathered my thoughts, I slowly drifted off to sleep. I was awoken violently by Harry and he looked pale.

"Harry what wrong?" I asked.

"It was Hagrid.... Hagrid opened the chamber 50 years ago." Harry said.

I quickly got out of bed and grabbed Harry and dragged him down to common room.

"Harry, I can't see it being Hagrid it just does not make sense." I said to him.

"Riddles diary showed me everything that happened." Harry said sternly.

"Harry show me the diary." I said.

Harry took me over to the table that the diary still sat.

"Hello Tom." Harry wrote.

"Hello again Harry who is that with you?" the diary replied.

How did a diary know I was with Harry?

"My name is Y/N L/N." I wrote into the diary.

"Hello Y/N L/N my name is Tom Riddle I suppose Harry told you what I showed him."

"Yes, he did but I am not 100% convinced myself."

"As I told Harry. The chamber was said to be a legend that it did not exist. But it was a lie. In my fifth year the chamber was opened, and a girl died. I had caught Hagrid trying to sneak the monster out of the castle, but I knew that I had to stop it from hurting anyone else, so I reported Hagrid to Professor Dippet, and he was expelled. I was ordered to keep my mouth shut by the headmaster and I was given special services to the school."

I sat there reading what Riddle had said but I was not convinced something did not sit right with me on what he said so I left and headed back to the dorm.

Harry Potter x Male Reader insertWhere stories live. Discover now