Career Advice

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Harry's POV

It had already been a few days since Umbridge had been made the new headmistress for the school and everyone apart from the Slytherins were hating it. It had been especially tough since now the Inquisitorial squad had been given additional powers to hand out punishments and dock points for anything they did not like. As Ron, Hermione and I walked from Herbology one morning to go to the great hall for lunch we were talking to Ernie Macmillian.

"The fat fryer told us she tried to get into Dumbledore's office but could not and stormed off in a tantrum about it."

"Well it's a good thing that she couldn't." Hermione said.

"They cant keep Dumbledore away for long they couldn't during our second year and I doubt they can now." Ernie said.

"Things are a bit different this time around though with what the Prophet has been saying about Dumbledore." Ron said.

"Anyway it's a good thing Umbridge could not set up in Dumbledore's office can you imagine her sitting there with that stupid smug look on her face as she is lording over the other teachers. She is just a puffed-up, power-crazy old-"

"Care to finish that sentence Granger?" A voice said as we turned to see Malfoy standing behind us with Crabbe and Goyle.

"I am afraid I will have to dock points from Gryffindor and Hufflepuff." Malfoy drawled.

"You can't take points from fellow Prefect's Malfoy." Ernie said quickly.

"I know prefect's can't but I as a member of the Inquisitorial squad can." Malfoy said with a smirk.

"So I will take 5 from you Granger for your comment about our headmistress, 5 each from Potter and Weasley because I don't like you and another 5 because your shirt is untucked Weasley, 5 from you Macmillian for contradicting me oh and ten more from Granger for being a mud-" Malfoy stopped mid-sentence at seeing the smirks on our faces.

"Would you care to finish that sentence Mr. Malfoy?"

Malfoy looked behind him to see Y/N with his eye glowing with Newt and Tina, Tina had a cold look on her face and Y/N looked about ready to put Malfoy's head through the wall the only thing stopping him was that his grandparents were with him.

"I um I uh." Malfoy stuttered.

"I suggest you move along Mr. Malfoy before my Grandson snaps and does something you will not like." Tina said.

Malfoy, Grabbe and Goyle left sulking as they could not do what they originally intended to.

"Hi Newt and Tina, it's nice to see you again." I said with a smile.

"Hi Harry, it is nice to see you." They both said. "Y/N we will see you later tonight okay?"

As they left Y/N turned to me with a serious look on his face.

"You and I need to have a talk Harry." Y/N said.

"About what?" I asked as we entered the great hall to see that the hourglass with the stones in for Gryffindor house had diminished as well as every other house as the emerald green for Slytherin remained unchanged.

"So here is the thing I was talking to Grandma and Grandad about when I move into the house and we have a spare room it's yours if you want it?" Y/N asked.

My eyes widened as he finished saying that. I could potentially leave the Dursley's for good and be with my godbrother.

"You're not joking are you please tell me you are being sincere."

Harry Potter x Male Reader insertWhere stories live. Discover now